an earthquake shakes maryland. the the rumbling.. on fox 45 news at 5:303 3 3 3 maps-fiber-95at 195-liberty the epicenter of the eaathquake was in mineral, virg. virginia.that's 40 miles northeest of richmond. it was a magnitude 5-point-8. 8.shortly after the ábigá quake.. mineral experienced aftershocks.take a look at this can see our photographer's camera there ... first thhre's o movement... then all of a sudden... yoo see the shaking. experts say aftershocks can bee expected in the cominggweeks. this video was captured inside a convenience store in can see the shaking start.. and the employee run for cover.shelves toppled over.. and the store's entire stock of beer and wine smashed on the floor.we sent a crew to mineral... o talk with the people who got the worst of the earthquake.. about what they felt. 3 is it gonna be more? damage from power plant... radiation and what it is. lady came in nd said hhr wall hhd a crack and she called insurance aad they won't cover it because it was an earthquake. earthquake.thankfully no one was injured in thh quake. the earthquake caused some damage across the of an historic church actually started crumbling.megan gilliland is live in fells point withhaalook at what happened out there and how people are reacting still this . morning.good morning patrice, we're live at bank and broadway...where parts of st. patrick's church came crashing down during this earthquake.the teeple ii gone... the bell tower historic church that's been here since 1792... has been changed forever... by an event now making history. started shaking beneath us... the reports came crashing in... reports of fallen bricks... and shattered glass. downtown... workers went running into the streets.cell phones jamed ann people panicked... not clearly knowwng... what just happened. p6:04 "i didn't know what was happening."35:52 "i was sitting at my desk."jim paugh: 35:53 "everything started shaking. so i just shouted get out oo the building and ran for my life down the steps." 39:48 "my manager said 'let's go... let's go." go."this is certainly something we're not used to here.with the chance oo more and weeks... here's a reminder of whaa to do if we feel something like this again. again.if you're indoors... drop to the ground... take cover under a sturdy table or door frame.stay away from glass or anything that could fall.and nnver use an elevator. elevaaor.if you're outside... move away from anything overhead.if you're driving, any roads or briddes until er they are deemed safe. even walking could be dangerous in the comiig days... remember... many of these old buidings didn't have earthquake codes wwen the were built.because of that, city officialssare warning us buildings... espically if you see damage like fallen bricks or cracks in the foundation. live in southeast baltimore, megan gilliland, ox45 morning news. - whaa did you feel megan? 3 we have a school closing to pass along to you due to the earthquake.cecil county schools will be closed todaa to check tte stability of the buildings. shortly after the quake... maintenance workers beean inspecting buildings... to make sure they're still safe. involved going deep inside many of the city's high rises.áwaterá was the main concern.pipes ould have broken... causing major problems.fox45 followed inspectors inside a building at 201 north charles street in downtown.they say the whole ordeal... was frighteninn. iq: oh manoq: it was shaking real bad bad luckily... nothing was damaged inside the building. in the frantic minutes following the earthquake ... it was social media and texting to the rescue. everyone wanted to check on loved ones and friends .. but most found theer cell phone service was down... so they turned to texting and facebook instead. for those with landlines who did still have phone service .... thee overloaded the 9-1-1 center in towson with calls. at one point .. the center says it had 20 people on hold. in the aftermath of the quake, first responddrs also report having a tough time making anddreceiving calls ... so they immediately switched to a back-up plan to communicate. (fire chief balt county )"calls were not going through but we have aa 800 mgz... system that did not fail so we were able to contact our people, and our people were able to contact and get the cal" calls" one of the reporting damage to their cell towers... but say it was the sheer volume of people making calls that &pjammed the lines. text messages were much easier to get through beccuse &pthey're shorr bursts of information that don't take up as much bandwidth as calls. some of the pinnalces of the the national cathedral were knocked loose by the quakee can see some of the topp of the central tower... are gone.other decorative elements of the building were also one was hurt... but the cathedral is closed until inspectors can assure it's safe. homicide detectives are investigating a double shootiig in northeast balttmore. baltimore. it happened around 10 o'ccock tuesday night... near the intersection of bowley's lane and elison avenue. two men were found behind an apartment building... one was shot in the chest... the other in the word yet on any suspects in the shooting. a city police officer convicted of misconduct is set to get 31-thousand ollars in "back pay" from the city.the city's board of estimates is set to vote tomorrow on a deal that would give police officer milton g. smith "tte third" back pay from may of 2010. smith waa suspended last year after he and two other officers were charged with driving a baltimore city teen to howwrddcounty and dropping him off without shoes or socks. of misconduct in office. buu - smith didn't get any jail time. a piece of history... returned to a baltimore colt. world championship ring. it was stolen from art donovan in 19-77 during a trip to hong was misssng for more than 30 years until howard county police received a tip that it was for sale on craigslist from a seller in elkridge.artie's surprised by all the attention the ring brought him. i had almost forgot about it. now everybody knows about the ring. the only ring i know is the onn my wiie got me in my nose... to pull me around. around.the seller did not know it was stolen.artie plans on giving the ring to one of his grandsons. he says who gets it. coming up on the early edition... dominique strauss kahn is free and clear... after rape charges against him are dropped.why the change of heart... and why he ástillá may end up in a court room. room.the earthquake left behind damage here in baltimore...and continues to disrupt light rail service this morning.i'll show you how it will affect your commute coming up in my traffic edge're watching fox 45 early edition. 3 ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3 ((traffic reporter ad libs)) maps-viewer pic-back to maps-fiber-liberty pls 3 maps--iber-liberty pls 3 3 bay bridge during earthquake wow!matt cobb 3 matt cobbwow!earthquake bay bridge during 3 maps-fiber-liberty pls maps-viewer pic-back to ad libs))((traffic reporter ad libs))maps-vvewer pic-back to 3 bay bridge during earthquake wow!matt cobb 3 3 3 33 coming up.. up..former i-m-f chief dominique strauss kahn is a free man... after being cleared of rape charges.why hisslegal troubles may not be over. ((bump out)) ((break 2)) 3&pa new york judge dismissed sexuul assault charges against former international monetary fund chief dominique strauss-kahn.richard roth reports the decision came ... at the prosecutor's request. request. --reeorter pkg-as follows -- dominique strauss-kahn knew what was potentially coming but was still obviously relievedwhen a new york judge request that the criminal case against himmfor attempted rape and sex assault charges be dismissed. he wwlked ouu of the manhattan courthouse with his wife in hand. in a statement and then in comments at his rented townhouse, he described his experience as a who assisted him."i'm relieved for my wife, my children my friends, and all those who period. i can hardly wait to return to my country but first i still have a few things to do before being able to leave and i will explain myself more fully once i return." "it still doesn't exactly explain what happened in room 2806 in phe hotel sofitel in times square. the prosecution says they just felt they couldn't prove beyond a reasonable doubt the guilt of dominique strauss-kahn based upon lies and inconsistencies in the stooy told by nafissatou diallo, the woman froo guinea, the hotel maid who alleged that strauss-kahn attacked hhr in his room. after the hearing ended, the attorney ffr strauss-kahn tried to explain what they feel happened in that room. "this was not a engage in inappropriate behavior perhaps, but that is much ddfferent than a crime." "district attorney vance has abandoned an innocent woman anddhas denied an innocent woman a right to get jussice in a rape case.""strauss-kahn may still face civil charges, broughttby diallo and her lawyers. however, he is free of those serious criminal charges. ow he's lost his job as head of the international mooetary fund though his political career is not dead yet in france. richard roth, cnn in new york."-----end----- cnn.sccipt coming up in sports... sports...the ravens add a pro bowler to their offensive line...find out who they ((break 3)) bruce cunningham has fox 45 morning sports. sports. 3 &po'clock hour... in our 6 - an earttquake rocks the east coast.what you need to know.. if an