An ex-CASA volunteer says she unknowingly worked for 8 months without a state-mandated background check. That CASA program Williamstown, KY shut down after an audit found 'numerous' violations.
The Lone Stranger and Sidekick are on the move again in Shasta County.
The Asphalt Cowboys annual mock robbery and the city-wide search for their loot kicked off Tuesday. The comedy game is a Redding Rodeo week tradition.
Rewards are as much as $1,000 for each of the two contests, Asphalt Cowboy Dave Tappan said.
Two local celebrities dressed as the desperate desperados moseyed into the Post Office Saloon in downtown Redding on Tuesday morning and made off with the loot.
As usual, members of the North State philanthropic organization, the Asphalt Cowboys, were in hot pursuit.
North State residents can win cash by solving daily clues and guessing the identity of the Lone Stranger and Sidekick, and by finding the loot.