into it somehow it just reveals for all the talk of character, this is nothing more than a family in pursuit of politics and of power. joe concha, thanks so much.nd great to see you tonight. great to see you. well, take care. happy fourth. happy fourth to you. all right. the supreme court put a stop to joe biden s unconstitutional plan to erase student loan debt. but millions of americans are still buying into the higher education scam. how can we fix the $1.7 trillion problem? more on that next. hello, i m mike lindell and i m here to talk about my new product from mypillow towels that actually work. watch this absorbency chest. here s another towel that we randomly went out and bought. here s one of my towels with the nice design. i don t know if you can see this, but you could line a swimming pool with this. i mean, this is crazy. get rid of it. towels that actually work. what a concept. i really love the towels.
same playbook, this time with muslim americans and tranrs . hear me out here. the gop is trying recruit muslim-americans, a community that makes up less than 2% of the u.s. population. against another tiny populat marginalized group of americans, transgender people. ny. psaki ns msnbc host former spokeswoman for joe biden, now former libee pretending to support ethnic minorities until those minorities have the gall to act on their own interest, until they dare to express values that contradict the progressive left s ever evolving with the trans moral creed. muslims who take their faith seriously are not welcome. diversity of thought is the one kind of diversity the left will not tolerattake thee. asian-americans went from a celebrated minority group to public enemy number one as soon as they supported a repeal of affirmative public that is when they pushed to end racial discrimination against them. jamelle hill expressed sentiment while tweeting that asian-americans, quote
surely a test of a man s character is his ability to own up to his own responsibility, to do his duty. and when it comes to your own lity, your duty, your is forgiveness and love. won t joe biden recognize hires seventh grandchild? a report in the new york times over the weekend revealed directs his ident staff to deny the existence of his own granddaughtet the r, the child hunter biden fathered out of wedlock with a stripperhr . and a paternity test has b confirmed is the child o f hunter biden in public. biden also denies the child s existence. iden a here he is referring to his six, not sevenls child s, his six grandchildren. i have a sixth grandchildldr. and i m crazy about them. i speak to them every single day. not a joke. e calls not in fact, i just got finished going through the calls and only one 2 minutes on the phone. but at least i got to leave a message. the four year old girl has been completely shunned from the biden family. she won t be allowed to use the biden
the name biden well, i think from a political perspective, if you read the new york timesis piece, it is seen as obviously it the bidens don t want to broach because it hurts them politically, because it pierces that whole image that joe biden is the carine thatg on jill biden is the caring one.e,c and obviouslary, they re always about family except when it s inconvenient. right. and look and obviou this piece, by the way. well, bill, well, it falls somewhere between laughablby th and borderline disgusting because it somehow mentions the name trump. times get this, 14 times. well, 14 times in this. i piece and a story about hunter biden a impregnating a woman. and afte w, after r his child il and all the things that happened since and i got thinince, d the name trump 14 times and the whole implication was actu, oh, at13 t one point donad trump jr actually went hunting with the lawyer for miss roberts. so therefore somehow the trumps have their hands in all of this. huntthe lawytsis
in 2005, biden supported a bill fromof the bally prevented borrowers from eliminating student loan debt when filing fo r bankruptcy. any surprise that he represented delaware, home to all of the credit agencies and credit card companies. and now that biden sme presiden, he wants to play the part ofco the student loanmp. fireman after spending decades in the senate as an arsonis dt. so how do we solve this problem? probone, we can make colleges and universities have some skin in the game, in the loan game. right nofor one,collegw, the sta business is a borderline racket. colleges and universities right now t loan fromall th federally backed and private student loans. enrollmente federa skyrockets, more money goes into the pockets of the lenders and th goee colleges and the taxpayers are being set up to bear the risk. if these students fail to pay back their loans. colleges and universities collectivelyeges and also sit or 700 billion in free endowment funds. if these institutions are so