enjoy and all the other high ranking politicians enjoy in hollywood stars enjoy that s armed security. utely and by the way, absolutely nothing biden said is true , not a word. what will we the people be totally defenseless? vil peoe what do we do when evil people break into our homes? homes? ho whow that defund, dismantle nois bail stuff work out so far in this country now disarming every law abiding citizen? riptn no, that s not the answer. that is a prescription for , death and destruction and the american people won t tolerate itan and nor should they . and keep in mind, accordingor to one study cited by the almighty cdc, of all people, there arere up to two u and a half millionll defensive gun uses each year, meaning saving lives. another study found there areio at least two point one million defensive gun uses annually. that means the guns that joe biden just demonized are used more for self-defense and for criminal acts.y
the trial that is far more significant as testimonyn showed that hillary clinton herself okayed the big russia collusion lie, the upper echelon of the one percent of the fbi did note rank and file.y they knew it and they went with the biggest election corruption lie in history. in histo got a lot more straight ahead tonight . plus, trans swimmerer leah thoms speaking out claiming she i is o threat to women s sports and isu now plotting a bid for the summer olympics. we ll cover that tonights.. and also tonight , the biden white house is adrift. listen to this .g to according to nbc news, joe isoe now hemorrhaging support from hispanic americans, african-americans, suburban, moms and of course young people and quote amid a rolling series of calamities and sinking approval ratings, ng the president s feeling lately that he just can t catch he a break or joe biden, he s justr not getting the respect that he thinks he deserves. now naturally he s now looking for someone to blame. so isme p
a peep out of you know, joe biden or even barack obama. whydn didn t they lift a finger? i ve been scrolling the names of people shot and killed there since 09 y why don t they show any urgency when it happens in democratic cities and states? because guns s are banned in those cities and it s unbelievable how muchow it hurts the democrats. me ofntioio t mention anyny that . we all since 1791 the bill of rights of ourf constitution speaks loud and clear and says the rights rights of the citizens to bear arms shall not be infringed upon. and in the heller case, in 2008, we can protectct ourselves in our own homeses. yet the biden administration and joe biden himself now wantsw to ban law-a abiding citizens a from carrying a nine millimeter gun. ifod somebody is going to come h in our home, we re going toome be able to use a nine millimeter gun to protectel ourselves and look at the guns that are freely flowing across this border right now in the
news, hannity, trump, whatever . t but predictably, shamelessly now is using the horrific shooting in uvalde for political gain. bt there are t serious concerns surrounding this massacre in texas. the evolving school district police t stop cooperating with the texas department of public safety investigationxa. that can happen. incredibly troubling and should be to everybody. make no mistake, there s absolutely zero cannot secure every e single school with well-trained and prepared armed guards, including retired cops g or retired military personnel along with metal detectors and a single point of entry into every school. now joe biden is nototjoe bi ade any of this . instead, he s what predictably vilifying the second amendment
and according tofr a multi-year study from john lott remember he wrote more guns, less crime. well, the states with the largest increase s in gun ownership, they also have the largest drop in violent crimesnt. coincidence? i don t think so.joe biden d of course joe biden doesn t care about the facts. he s looking for a political win.in. whatever happened to follow the science or in this case follow the statistics. after all, biden cared so deeply about gun violence. where s he been for the past take ars? ? because take a look at l your screen. you know, since what ? twenty 19 at least four thousand six hundred and fortysh two kids in this country have been shot and killed. re now all of p these lives are precious. again, our national treasure. many of these kids were murdered in chicago. we ve been scrolling have their names you never hear about since 2009. joe biden has mentioned their names once, not one single time when he was vice president for eight years.e all those yearsne five