the trial that is far more significant as testimonyn showed that hillary clinton herself okayed the big russia collusion lie, the upper echelon of the one percent of the fbi did note rank and file.y they knew it and they went with the biggest election corruption lie in history. in histo got a lot more straight ahead tonight . plus, trans swimmerer leah thoms speaking out claiming she i is o threat to women s sports and isu now plotting a bid for the summer olympics. we ll cover that tonights.. and also tonight , the biden white house is adrift. listen to this .g to according to nbc news, joe isoe now hemorrhaging support from hispanic americans, african-americans, suburban, moms and of course young people and quote amid a rolling series of calamities and sinking approval ratings, ng the president s feeling lately that he just can t catch he a break or joe biden, he s justr not getting the respect that he thinks he deserves. now naturally he s now looking for someone to blame.
in the deep blue states of california and new york as he is in the most recent polling. so i think it s very clear to most americans that joe biden is doing a horrible job as president of the united states. i don t even believeve the moste recent polling i think it s probably single digits fore people actually thinking that joe biden is doing a good job. and i d still like to talk to ad those people and say what the heck are you thinking? we re running all sea thiso ,kaili, of joe biden and joe biden seems to need helpwa walking. he seems very, very careful with every step. he, heh, doesn t have the strength, the stamina or the mental clarity, awareness and acumen at this point in his life to do the job. so what does the country do?re his policies are failing. d what options do we have? we really don t have any do we ? w t. we don t i mean, we can put a massive brake on a domestic agenda come november.vember. he still has control of foreign
philadelphia, boston, new york , chicago, los angeles as a result of the police pulling back and not engaging in the kind of policing that makes bad guys realize there s a greater chance they re goingad get caught, t they re going to get convicted, they re going to be incarceratedo . good to they ll let you both go.aldo, larry, good too see you, harold. always good to see you. thank you both. when we come back , transwoman leah thomas broke his silence about transgender women b competing in sports. we ll tell you what shemen sai that s coming up next . also, biden reportedly rattled, angry, furious by histl disastrous poll numbers and he a should lara trump, carlyyl mcinerney, they weigh in . we ll tell you the details
, which is frightening until 2020 four when he could be voted out v. it is scary though, sean, because think about the times we see president biden. they are short, they are often scripted. even thoseve press conferences. it s a list of reporters he calls in and a distinct order. he hasn t done an interview since the super bowl because he can t it iser b b frightening to think about what he s like when he s not in those few scripted moments behind the scenes. i will say t this nbc article that you mentioned, sean, it was shocking to me.i i mean, i worked for president trump. i wasumis his press secretary. i didn t have to run around cleaning up things.p thin the presidentgs said because the president was the one in control. he was the commander in chiefe a comm. and in some ways biden has a right to be upset. s tetotally contradicted by his staff or at all times. but on the other hand , john,me as you mentioned, these areig grave foreign policy issues that is making blunders on you of
a peep out of you know, joe biden or even barack obama. whydn didn t they lift a finger? i ve been scrolling the names of people shot and killed there since 09 y why don t they show any urgency when it happens in democratic cities and states? because guns s are banned in those cities and it s unbelievable how muchow it hurts the democrats. me ofntioio t mention anyny that . we all since 1791 the bill of rights of ourf constitution speaks loud and clear and says the rights rights of the citizens to bear arms shall not be infringed upon. and in the heller case, in 2008, we can protectct ourselves in our own homeses. yet the biden administration and joe biden himself now wantsw to ban law-a abiding citizens a from carrying a nine millimeter gun. ifod somebody is going to come h in our home, we re going toome be able to use a nine millimeter gun to protectel ourselves and look at the guns that are freely flowing across this border right now in the