rode when his villageuilt a new crapper. thirdly, job lock, bring this up to pelosi, say hey, honey, without term limits it, seems like you are locked in that gig. can we push those through to free you up? you watch them run from that like a road runner clout. job lock. she is not going to do an interview with me, miller, be a jesse watters established earlier this he can would. she says reneged on it. does not want to face me. i m so charming i can t understand why. you did say you got on with her. listen, you don t have to interview anybody who is out there you this woman is a karma compromiser. she is a creepy dame who was done poorly by this country. if they told me nancy pelosi was in another part of the studio and she wanted to chat. i would say she is going to have to find somebody who wants to chat with her. this country is more in the red than costas eyes. if they are going to start pitching that the way out of that is not work for a living, that s beyond the pale. it i
that s just compassionate, isn t it? well, first, i would say it s rich that the queen of forehead lock would lecture me on job luck. secondly one person is going to subsidize one person in this country now, can we at least go to a one-on-one response shoreship like the honduran kid send me a polar rode when his village built a new crapper. thirdly, job lock, bring this up to pelosi, say hey, honey, without term limits it, seems like you are locked in that gig. can we push those thr free you up? you watch them run from that like a road runner clout. job lock. she is not going to do an interview with me, miller, be a jesse watters established earlier this he can would. she says reneged on it. does not want to face me. i m so charming i can t understand why. you did say you got on with her. listen, you don t have to interview anybody who is out there you this woman is a karma compromiser. she is a creepy dame who was
instead of being locked by a policy. joining us now from santa barbara, the sage of southern california, dennis miller who is job locked every wednesday into the factor. you know, pelosi is a tough one for me. i can t tell if she is a creep or a moron. but i will will say moron today after watching that. the job lock is we did it last night. you know, we, miller and me and you, if you have a job and you are working, we have to pay for the other people s passions, miller, because they may not, you know, want to be in a job that s hard, so we give them the health insurance and entitlements and maybe make a little money under the table and they can pursue their passion. that s just compassionate, isn t it? well, first, i would say it s rich that the queen of forehead lock would lecture me on job luck. secondly one person is going to subsidize one person in this country now, can we at least go to a one-on-one response shoreship like the honduran kid send me a polar
thanks for staying with us, i m bill o reilly in the miller time seeing wanted tonight. three very hot topics beginning with nancy pelosi saying this: this job loss issue is a very important change in the dynamic and of our economy. think of an economy where people can follow their passion, their aspirations, their talent, their skill instead of being locked by a policy. joining us now from santa barbara, the sage of southern california, dennis miller who is job locked every wednesday into the factor. you know, pelosi is a tough one for me. i can t tell if she is a creep or a moron. but i will will say moron today after watching that. the job lock is we did it last night. you know, we, miller and me and you, if you have a job and you are working, we have to pay for the other people s passions, miller, because they may not, you know, want to be in a job that s hard, so we give them the health insurance and entitlements and maybe make a little money under the table and they can p
it involves delay past the election. past the election, and that screams of politics without an alternative explanation. so mixed messages from the white house, greg. last week, we sat around this table and talked about how obamacare would liberate people from job lock, from the jobs that were terrible and they can go be artists and be free now, and this week, they want them to stay in their jobs, so they extend the mandate yet again for purely political reasons, i m guessing? when you lost your health plan, they said they were liberating you from a bad health plan. when you lose your job, they say they re liberating you from a job you don t like. you have to wonder, what will they liberate from you next. will they liberate you from your home? will they liberate you from your life? euthanasia makes life easier for an eternity. you no longer have to breathe. that s the nature of socialism. they tell you what you want. this is the 27th delay. it s not a delay. it s a reprieve.