it involves delay past the election. past the election, and that screams of politics without an alternative explanation. so mixed messages from the white house, greg. last week, we sat around this table and talked about how obamacare would liberate people from job lock, from the jobs that were terrible and they can go be artists and be free now, and this week, they want them to stay in their jobs, so they extend the mandate yet again for purely political reasons, i m guessing? when you lost your health plan, they said they were liberating you from a bad health plan. when you lose your job, they say they re liberating you from a job you don t like. you have to wonder, what will they liberate from you next. will they liberate you from your home? will they liberate you from your life? euthanasia makes life easier for an eternity. you no longer have to breathe. that s the nature of socialism. they tell you what you want. this is the 27th delay. it s not a delay. it s a reprieve.
about whether to work or not which check through about ten more things before i think they even get to obamacare in these limited cases. yes, but i also think one of the ways you have to understand this is that we ve got this federal government that creates a distortion that drives health insurance into the place where we work. the employer-based health care system, you know, is due to price controls in the past and tax favoritism the tax favoritism is a big the tax favoritism is the reason we have it, right? so but this is such a washington way, and frankly, a democrat way to handle this that we ve got subsidies for employer-based health care so we answer that with new subsidies for individual-based health care instead of just getting rid of the subsidies for the employer-based health care. i think that would get us out of the question that you and i think are very interesting. we could move it out of the policy question. well, should we have more people working? do we need
had your druthers. yes, exactly. what should we think about this effect of obamacare? obamacare, the subsidies there make it more likely that people will leave the workforce or work less. now, there are some bad things about this and there are good things about it. i do emphasize the good things is that i know lots of people who are in a situation where the man has a job that pays him decently. the woman has a job that barely pays her. she s a front desk secretary at a big corporation, but she gets the health care so she keeps working even though she would rather stay home. they re paying through the nose for childcare, but the real benefit is the health insurance. so getting people out of job lock is a good thing. on the other hand, one of the real downsides of the safety net is that it creates a disincentive for work. yeah. so the people who are staying home aren t people who can t find a job or are disabled but some of these are people who
which check through about ten more things before i think they even get to obamacare in these limited cases. yes, but i also think one of the ways you have to understand this is that we ve got this federal government that creates a distortion that drives health insurance into the place where we work. the employer-based health care system, you know, is due to price controls in the past and tax favoritism the tax favoritism is a big the tax favoritism is the reason we have it, right? so but this is such a washington way, and frankly, a democrat way to handle this that we ve got subsidies for employer-based health care so we answer that with new subsidies for individual-based health care instead of just getting rid of the subsidies for the employer-based health care. i think that would get us out of the question that you and i think are very interesting. we could move it out of the policy question. well, should we have more people working? do we need more leisure? if you weren t
to be clear, i don t like obamacare. i d repeal obamacare if i could. i would double repeal obamacare. you d vote 41 times to repeal it if you had your druthers. yes, exactly. what should we think about this effect of obamacare? obamacare, the subsidies there make it more likely that people will leave the workforce or work less. now, there are some bad things about this and there are good things about it. i do emphasize the good things is that i know lots of people who are in a situation where the man has a job that pays him decently. the woman has a job that barely pays her. she s a front desk secretary at a big corporation, but she gets the health care so she keeps working even though she would rather stay home. they re paying through the nose for childcare, but the real benefit is the health insurance. so getting people out of job lock is a good thing. on the other hand, one of the real downsides of the safety net is that it creates a disincentive for work. yeah. so the pe