Educational research. It is so very important as it relates to feed food anding can consult agriculture in particular to make an increase so that the 1890 institutions can again be at the forefront of research. One of my schools in my area, purview a m and Texas Southern university, prepare the leaders for the Agricultural Industry of the future. And so this legislation provides support for the many schools such as alabama a m, purview a m, fort valley state university, Kentucky State University and, of course, they enroll 40 of all africanamerican students. So i am grateful for this amendment and i ask my colleagues to support the underlying bill. Thank you so very much and i yield back. I yield back. Thank you. The chair the gentlewoman yields back. The question is on the amendments en bloc offered by the gentlewoman from minnesota. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, the noes have it. The en bloc amendments are agreed to. Ms. Mccollum mr. Chair, a
I will yield the balance of the time to dr. Harris. The Affordable Care act is the law of the land. Quite frankly, a reckless behavior on the part of the majority. What you have done is to shut this government down and instead of wasting time trying to play politics and instead of cherry picking important programs like the nih to fund, we should be working on the budget for the entire government. N the government and new and move to negotiations. With regard to healthcare issues, its important to note and thats why we should not be opening the government on a piecemeal basis. Comprehensive, short term continuing resolution that keeps the entire government open and at work. What other activities are engaged in health that you are bypassing or ignoring or dont believe they have any priority . Or dont believe they have any priority. Center for the Disease Control. Two thirds of their personnel are now on furlough. Important programs like protecting public health, going by the by. Monitori
To fund the government unless it is defunded. How many times have we heard delay, defund and all that little jingle they do . That is why we are here. And now we have people coming to the floor piously urging for funding for d. C. And young people and all this kind of stuff. You know, its as if they didnt know that when they shut down the government that d. C. And young people and n. I. H. Were going to be cut. Obviously they knew it. Did they just find out after they read their bill . No, they knew it. They knew it all the time. They know it now. And we can solve everyones problem by putting the clean c. R. On this moment. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentlelady from connecticut reserves. The gentleman from georgia. Mr. Camp mr. Speaker, if i we have how much time left . The speaker pro tempore the gentleman has 2 3 4. The gentlelady from connecticut has 1 1 2. Mr. Camp mr. Speaker, i yield myself 30 seconds. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from g
I’ll never forget driving more than 600 miles up and down Oregon during the 2020 Labor Day fires. I saw towns destroyed and never once broke free from the thick
I’ll never forget driving more than 600 miles up and down Oregon during the 2020 Labor Day res. I saw towns destroyed and never once broke free from the thick