Londonderry, N.H.: Today we celebrate Earth Day, but unfortunately, our Earth is in serious trouble. The Greenland ice sheet is melting at an accelerating rate due to the increase in global temperatures caused by carbon emissions blanketing the atmosphere and due to deforestation. The average temperature in the world is increasing by 3.2 degrees centigrade compared to the goal limit of 1.5 degrees centigrade to sustain a livable planet.
Morris Plains, N.J.: To Voicer Harvey Kaplan: You are absolutely correct and I have been saying it’s the doctors all along. I’m a victim. I was a very good athlete but had a painful back issue I dealt with my whole life. In my late 40s, my back went. I went to the doctor and he started me on Percocet 10. He gave me 120 pills a month.
Bethesda, Md.: Did you ever think you would see the day when conservative Republicans would accuse their traditional allies in law enforcement of cowardice?
Manhattan: Voicer William Cook ridicules the current kerfuffle about Roe v. Wade, concluding that allowing the voters of each state to decide abortion policy “is what our Constitution demands.” If that were true, the Supreme Court of the United States would not have granted certiorari re a Mississippi statute, neither a referendum nor constitutional amendment.