In an exclusive interview with India Today TV, Sagar Sharma’s father Roshan Lal Sharma has come forward with claims that his son was "brainwashed" by a friend from Bengaluru to storm Parliament and disrupt proceedings.
Seema Haider, the Pakistani woman who sneaked into India with her four children to be with her lover, dressed up to look like a rural Indian woman and sought the help of professionals in the make-up, intelligence sources told India Today.
Manipur Chief Minister N Biren Singh met Amit Shah a day after opposition parties echoed calls to sack the chief minister in an all-party meeting led by Amit Shah in Delhi.
Border Security Force (BSF) troops shot dead a Pakistani intruder along the International Border (IB) in Jammu and Kashmir's Samba on Thursday. The incident took place near Mangu Chak Border Out Post (BOP).