Girls. And so i started seeing that, ultimately, in the 14 years of research i did for the boy crisis that there were about 56 of the largest developed nations were having problems where the boyses were falling behind girls in all of the academic subjects but especially in reading and writing. Reading and writing are the two biggest predicters of success. So i started saying is there something bigger going on here and whats the cause of in the, and is there any why is it developed nations . And i saw that developed nations had enough mastery of survival to be able to allow permission for a family to have divorces and for women to raise children without much father involvement or any father involvement. And so i started looking at those populations and found that when there were divorces, children did do much worse, but children that a had almost no father involved or no father involvement did much worse. They were part of they were where the boy crisis resides. Then i went over to sing