Willmar police were dispatched Thursday morning to a crash involving a school bus in Willmar. According to Chief Felt, the bus was rear-ended by a following vehicle. A 15-year-old driver suffered minor injuries and was issued a citation.
Willmar Police Chief Jim Felt said a 16-year-old male was arrested and transported to Prairie Lakes Youth Programs pending potential charges after officers were called to a possible fight in southwest Willmar early Sunday.
Two male suspects, both from Willmar, were arrested after a caller reported shots were fired early Sunday morning. No one was injured in the incident, according to Willmar police.
Two male suspects, both from Willmar, were arrested after a caller reported shots were fired early Sunday morning. No one was injured in the incident, according to Willmar police.
A 71-year-old Minneapolis man collapsed in cardiac arrest while attending the fair. Officers were able to revive the man before he was transported to an area hospital.