I think that. inaudible and i have to look with inaudible for over 14 years, and mainly the Chinese Community and also the api, and i was a Mental Health counselor working with the seniors and providing Mental Health services and as i became a director. And i am still working with a senior. And maybe, in the community, and for inaudible to inform the community, and also, it is okay for our failed, senior, especially when we have a transition, from a building, that has to help us to see the better program, and i will interfere, and our printout radio, and tv and newspaper, and try the people and it was a program to keep it open and so i am also a licensed social worker and these are of my back ground. And you used the term,. inaudible . Community based Adult Services. Thank you. And do you have any questions . Hearing none. Not now. Okay. It is not. And could we have a motion on the floor, and to accept the nomination nominating the Committee Report. And do i hear a second . I second th
And i have to look with inaudible for over 14 years, and mainly the Chinese Community and also the api, and i was a Mental Health counselor working with the seniors and providing Mental Health services and as i became a director. And i am still working with a senior. And maybe, in the community, and for inaudible to inform the community, and also, it is okay for our failed, senior, especially when we have a transition, from a building, that has to help us to see the better program, and i will interfere, and our printout radio, and tv and newspaper, and try the people and it was a program to keep it open and so i am also a licensed social worker and these are of my back ground. And you used the term,. inaudible . Community based Adult Services. Thank you. And do you have any questions . Hearing none. Not now. Okay. It is not. And could we have a motion on the floor, and to accept the nomination nominating the Committee Report. And do i hear a second . I second the motion. Do you move an
Community members, serving the aging and disabled population. We are having a half day board retreat on september 15 and this they are just to strategy and finalize, how to make us a Stronger Group and we are hoping to bring our entire plan and platform forward before thanksgiving to the commissioners and to anne and then we will also take it up to our city leadership. Any questions . Thank you. Thank you. The nominating Committee Report . Yes. And thank you. Commissioners . We are nominating committee met and recommended that benny wo ng be approved by the full commission to become a member of the advisory council, we felt that he had a combination of experience and academic training and he was an Award Winning social worker, and served as the council and we thought that he was qualified and the motion on the floor is to approve him by the full commissioner and it does not need to be seconded since it is coming from a committee. And will you stand up so that we will be. Can we, can yo
And i think that i identified some of them. But i wanted like everyone else does, thank you. Thank you. Commissioner ow, i am thinking that it is something that we might want to take up at the legislative committee. And with the report. If you will. Well, will you please, you know, put it on the or on our next legislative committee . Yes. And send each of our commissioner a copy of the whole copy, not the agent information. Also, i was thinking of anne, and while we were talking about the legislation, and the coordination, and i dont know if that is something, that maybe the legislative committee might want to just discuss, what is the feesbility of the coordinating that. Or some ideas, and maybe we will have that too. And brought to the next committee. And so the report has not been finished and. And that means that the recommendations are not solidified yet and there is a lot of conversation about reorganizizing. And this has been going on for 20plus years, and. And if that concern,