In a 2020 episode of The Kapil Sharma Show, Akshay Kumar was seen pulling Chandan Prabhakar's leg aka Chandu by revealing that the latter charges ₹5 lakh per show for a five-minute performance |
Mumbai: The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has appointed TCM Platform as the agency that will conceptualise and execute the Tata IPL 2022 closing ceremony at the Narendra Modi Stadium, Ahmedabad on 29 May. The closing ceremony of the IPL makes a comeback after a gap of four years. AR Rahman, Ranveer Singh, singers and over 500 supporting dancers and cast will be
2 BKU leader Joginder Singh Ugrahan addresses gathering during farmers conference on Baisakhi at Talwandi Sabo on Tuesday. Tribune photo: Pawan Sharma
Sukhmeet Bhasin
Talwandi Sabo, April 13
For the first time, farmers organised a “Kisan Conference” on the occasion of Baisakhi at Talwandi Sabo.
BKU Ekta-Ugrahan president Joginder Singh Ugrahan announced that he would continue his struggle for the rollback of ‘black’ agricultural laws introduced by the Narendra Modi government and “complete liberation from the imperialist plunder of the agricultural sector”.
He also announced that on April 21 a large convoy of thousands of farmers, youth and women from all over the state would again march towards Delhi under the leadership of union general secretary Sukhdev Singh Kokri Kalan and Jhanda Singh Jethuke.
Joint media briefings, speaking from each other’s stages: A first for two key farm unions of Punjab
Joint media briefings, speaking from each other’s stages: A first for two key farm unions of Punjab
Both unions are based in Punjab. BKU (Ugrahan) has a large base in Malwa region while KMSC is more active in Majha Punjab. Their protest stages will stay separate as before, but the evening media briefing will be done jointly. Updated: December 22, 2020 8:03:13 am
(Right to left) Satnam Singh Pannu , President KMSC, Sarwan Singh Pandher, general secretary KMSC, Joginder Singh Ugrahan - President BKU Ugrahan addressing media at Kundli border on Sunday.