2 BKU leader Joginder Singh Ugrahan addresses gathering during farmers conference on Baisakhi at Talwandi Sabo on Tuesday. Tribune photo: Pawan Sharma
Sukhmeet Bhasin
Talwandi Sabo, April 13
For the first time, farmers organised a “Kisan Conference” on the occasion of Baisakhi at Talwandi Sabo.
BKU Ekta-Ugrahan president Joginder Singh Ugrahan announced that he would continue his struggle for the rollback of ‘black’ agricultural laws introduced by the Narendra Modi government and “complete liberation from the imperialist plunder of the agricultural sector”.
He also announced that on April 21 a large convoy of thousands of farmers, youth and women from all over the state would again march towards Delhi under the leadership of union general secretary Sukhdev Singh Kokri Kalan and Jhanda Singh Jethuke.