has signed on to your poor people s campaign the revival of dr. king s poor people campaign. you ll be giving a sermon at the national cathedral sunday june 3rd. give us a preview. the royal family got a preview, we want a preview of what you intend to say. well, part of what i intend to say is what bishop curry said and new yorkive if you follow jesus. he started out the spirit of the lord is upon me to preach the word to the poor, and it means those who have been made poor by policies. so the real question is with 140 million people in american that are poor, what would jesus say and what would jesus do in the congress not just as a matter of personal charity. 37 million people without health care, what would jesus say, what would jesus do? 73 million women and children in poverty, 13 million children that are in poverty, 250,000 people dying every year from low wealth, thousands of people dying without health care in the wealthiest country in the world,
what would jesus say, do. 2,000 scriptures in the bible says he would be talking with justice, talking about poverty and challenging the system to build policies on how you lift the poor and guess what? if you lift the poor, everybody gets lifted. absolutely. that s the way of love. that s the way of love. absolutely. there is a statement put out bishop curry and other christian leaders asserting that the u.s. is in moral crisis we believe jesus when he tells us to go into all the nations making disciples. therefore, we reject america first as a theological heresy for followers of christ. bishop curry, you directly challenged the theme of the president of the united states, america first. why, and do you think that his followers will outnight reject it because you ve done that? well in all honesty we hope all people of goodwill and religious traditions and faith
of jesus say, stand up for truth and stand up for justice. and so in those times when he was facing violence, anger, the threat of his family, wanting to get a gun himself, he reached back into those speeches, he reached back into the word of god and he became the man that we know that could follow after gandhi. it was a discipline, a yearning, a faith and believing what god had taught. glenn: okay. as i look at these revolutionaries, these great people, they all felt called. none of them wanted to do this. and the biggest battle they may have fought, i m not sure about jesus and i m not sure about moses, but at least the contemporary, people that we
because it s good for india and good for you not to occupy another people. glenn: martin luther king, so much hatred. we all know the piece. how did he conquer the hate? my uncle, one of the classic examples was in montgomery, when his home was bombed and his baby daughters was there and his wife. and when he got home the first thing he thought about. he admitted thinking about getting a gun and retaliating in that manner, but he remembered his speeches, what he learned at the knee of his father, daddy, king, and he said no, i ve got to go the way of my father s lessons and then soon after that, he wrote a speech called a knock at midnight, and he was tired, he was angry, he was hurting. and he said he heard the voice of jesus say, stand up for truth and stand up for