Father Vincent E. Daily always seemed happy wherever he was assigned and whatever he was doing. Many called him Senior to distinguish him from his nephew and namesake, Father Vincent E. Daily Junior, who was the homilist at his uncle s funeral Mass on Dec. 22, 2021.
Father Vincent E. Daily always seemed happy wherever he was assigned and whatever he was doing. Many called him Senior to distinguish him from his nephew and namesake, Father Vincent E. Daily Junior, who was the homilist at his uncle s funeral Mass on Dec. 22, 2021.
It might seem odd for a lad from Milton who was ordained a priest in Rome on Dec. 16, 1964, that he would spend 50 years of active priestly ministry in two inner city Boston parishes, but that would be Father Walter J. Waldron.
Father Vincent E. Daily always seemed happy wherever he was assigned and whatever he was doing. Many called him Senior to distinguish him from his nephew and namesake, Father Vincent E. Daily Junior, who was the homilist at his uncle s funeral Mass on Dec. 22, 2021.
Father Vincent E. Daily always seemed happy wherever he was assigned and whatever he was doing. Many called him Senior to distinguish him from his nephew and namesake, Father Vincent E. Daily Junior, who was the homilist at his uncle s funeral Mass on Dec. 22, 2021.