FAYETTEVILLE A federal judge awarded $4.7 million to survivors of Jerry Kolpek, an Army veteran whose cancer went untreated for more than six years because of a missed diagnosis at the Veterans Health Care System of the Ozarks.
FAYETTEVILLE A federal judge awarded $4.7 million to survivors of Jerry Kolpek, a U.S. Army veteran whose cancer went untreated for more than six years because of a missed diagnosis at the Veterans Health Care System of the Ozarks.
FAYETTEVILLE A federal judge awarded $4.7 million to survivors of Jerry Kolpek, a U.S. Army veteran whose cancer went untreated for more than six years because of a missed diagnosis at the Veterans Health Care System of the Ozarks.
A federal judge ordered the Veterans Administration to pay more than $4 million in a lawsuit over a patient who died after being misdiagnosed by a former doctor.
FAYETTEVILLE Knowing Jerry Kolpek died from a crime made his death harder to take, members of his family testified in the civil trial against the Veterans Health Care System of the Ozarks on Wednesday in federal court.