Valley Made, Local Strong: JPS Elite Fencing
Valley Made, Local Strong: JPS Elite Fencing
4 hours 31 minutes 24 seconds ago
Friday, June 04 2021
Jun 4, 2021
June 04, 2021 8:55 PM
June 04, 2021
News - Valley Made, Local Strong
Jeramy Gomez, owner of JPS Fencing, started from the ground up – just like the way he builds fences. When I first started in the fencing business I didn t know anything about fencing,” Gomez said. “I didn t know the different types of woods, or how deep you had to go in the ground, or the different types of nails; I mean there s a lot that comes with fencing. I literally learned from the ground up and my customers with the old job I used to work for, they loved my customer service so it was second nature to just go ahead and start my own since I was so good at it.