conversation. something that randy weingarten said that i think is important though, this is about the teachers. right? the kids are important. we re educating them. she had teachers that said we re not going back in the classroom, what was she going to do? i think that it comes back to and we talk about this a lot. the fact that we were just not being told honestly what was going on. this was from the start. the conversations about masks. they didn t want people to buy all the masks. that we didn t have them for the doctors and ensen essential workers. should have been a more open and honest conversation. that s what people hold against randy weingarten or dr. fauci. if you treat adults like adults, everyone can make their own decision. including if they told us to leave the masks for the doctors and the nurses there wouldn t have been a problem. greg president biden also weighed in on kids yesterday.
During his keynote speech to Golden Growers members, Matt Jensen discussed problems the railroad has experienced recently. "Frequent and Extreme winter weather has resulted in slower train. | April 25, 2023
BOZEMAN, MT Smoke filling his lungs as he waited back, local man Colin Jensen reportedly delayed his exit from his burning house Friday to avoid small talk with his neighbors. “The flames are definitely getting closer, but if I can hold out for five more minutes, maybe the Harrisons will go back inside and I won’t be…
Nasdaq Stockholm decides to officially list 1 bond loans issued by Georg Jensen
A/S with effect from 2023-04-12. Last day of trading is set to 2025-05-05. The
instruments will be listed on STO Corporate