Is. Tea partiers were all for bashing the Health Care Law. What they were not for was doing it at the expense of pretty much everything else, like reining in government spending. Tee partyers watched in shock as Republican Leaders again and again caved on issues once the core of their very existence. Increasing the debt limit without so much as a fight. Signing on to budget agreements without so much as a single cut. There was the trillion dollar farm billowedded with pork. The president breaking grand bargain promise of republicans to nominally control entitlement costs and republicans not saying boo. Throughout, tea parties told sit tight. Obamacare will be our issue and obamacare will be our fight. Powerful republican governors given up the fight. That the Controversial Health care law is here to stay. Republicans will try to fix it and adjust it, but foreabout killing it. Tea partiers cant believe it. The grand ol party is not that different from other party, getting along to go al
Tea partiers were all for bashing the Health Care Law. What they were not for was doing it at the expense of pret much everything else, like reining in government spending. Tee partyers watched in shock as Republican Leaders againnd again ced on issues once the core of their very existence. Increasing the debt limit without much as a fight. Signing on to budget agreements without so much as a single cut. There was the trillion dollar farm billowedded with pork. The president breaking grand bargain promise of republicans to nominally control entitlement costs and republicans not saying boo. Throughout, tea parties told sit tight. Obamacare will be our issue and obamacare will be our fight. Powerful republican governors given up the fht. That the Controversial Health care law is here to stay. Republicans will try to fix it and adjust it, but foreabout killing it. Tea partiers cant believe it. The grand ol party is not that different om other party, getting along to go along. Now tea part