this neighborhood is just too the east of york road in north baltimore.many people tell us they are coping with thh heat by sleeping in theirrbasements with candles and flashliihts. the homeowner here tells us she s wwiting to hear from them and the tility company somebody has to be last, i ll put it that way. if it s me, that s the way it ii, but i certainly would have likeddto seee a quicker response. response. yeah. it s very frustrating. bbcause, we re living in limbo. we just don t know from one day to the next because therees no activity. reporter describes what it is cues photographer to show daakness.reporting from show darkness. reporting from dark north news late eeition.ssler, fox45 b-g-e has restored power to more than two-thirdssof &pcustomers and they re still working round the clock... 3 the storm toppled many trees. which took out power lines along the way.the pompany is reminding customers that this is a very llbor intensive cleanup and thhy are assing fo
sparking. ádaysá fter a through maryland.dropping and crushing homes.up roads. homes.the wind the rain the waaer. the hail in the you could hear the snapbut now. patience wears a second threat..a summer sszzle. ets in innyeah. it s very frustrating. beeauue, we re living in limbo. limbo. tonnght.the race to restore ballimore tries to beat the &pheatin a double dose f wicke weather heeloo i m jennifer gilbert jeff barnd is off tonight remain withhut power tonight and it seems like thhre is an endless amount of branches to will get electricity..and &p.but first. melinda rrede in northwest balttiore.where bbg-e is worring rrght now. noo. well. they still have a lot of work to doo aad some prrjects and repaars are bigger thannothers. take a look at this...the storm is ttsting bbg-e s resources. and the patience of some ccstom. 3&16:01 - chainsaw nats18:28 finallyy finally! when b-g-e crews finally arriied in this neiggborhood. rrsidentsswere relieved.20:35
but only for a limited time, at olive garden. we re into the third day ow - without electric.. i dont knoo what we re gonna do. do. the clean p continues dayss after a deadly storm tears through maryland.tonight. the race to restore power. as a heat wave bears down on baltimore. hello, i m jennifer gilbert jeff barnd is off onight nearll 200-thousand people remain without power wearing thin. thin.paul gessler joins us live from a section of nortt baltimore going on 71 hours without electricity.paul? this tree came craahing down into the front yarr of the home here on cedarcroft far as the homeowner knows, the home is not damaged.she is, like many still in this neighborhood, though, without power. this neighborhood is just too the east of york road in north baltimore.many people tell us they are coping with thh heat by sleeping in theirrbasements with candles and flashliihts. the homeowner here tells us she s wwiting to hear from them and the tility company somebody
disapppinting. the place where this picture was taken. .that made him easy to spot spot(three shot) i think that that money is never going to &pdo anything for the paatt-pas forced to pay 55 miilion this child.the problems that leave him functioning like a newborn.two years later. later.wx wx.and a wedding memoryyone couple. will never forget 3 pooo eveningg i m jennifer gilbert.jeff barnd is leaders are investigating a picture that has one city worker in hot water tonight. the worker appears to be sleeping on the job...buu thats not all thats troubling city hall. hall.. jeff abell is live there tonight with the story, jeff.. ff.. brought the ppoto to city hall... it appears to have captured a city wwrker sleeping on the job.. anddnow, the ne picture is worth a thousand questions. in patterson park seemed so picture had many residenns simply confused. disappointing. (17:22:30) of course, its offensive ann we hope resourres are being used wisely. (
shock. hundreds of students filled this auditorium to pay voices ang out, tears were cried and hugs. shared. in disbelief over the brutal murder of kortneigh mccoy. students say. kootneigh left a lasting impact on the campus.. and sheewon t be forgotten. kortneigh mccoy spent most of her 19 years in baltimore and is a graduate of poly in north baltimore.janice park is liie at mccoyys high school.with reaction from mccoy s mother. motter.its an interview you jennifer,kara mccoy.kortneigh ssmother is understandably shaken.she tells us .she had aa couudn t sleep saturday night. she got the call about 2 am sunday.and drove straight to frostburr. kara says her aughter kortneigh bsolutely oved math and explains why she studied mechanical most 19 year - olds.she had several ambitions.from studying becoming a singer.but duuing oor sit down &pinterview with kara mccoy.she describes her daughter as peacemaker. and phe s conniiced she lost her l