disapppinting..."the place where this picture was taken... ...that made him easy to spot spot(three shot)"i think that that money is never going to &pdo anything for the paatt-pas forced to pay 55 miilion this child.the problems that leave him functioning like a newborn...two years later. later.wx wx...and a wedding memoryyone couple... will never forget 3 pooo eveningg i'm jennifer gilbert.jeff barnd is tooight.city leaders are investigating a picture that has one city worker in hot water tonight. the worker appears to be sleeping on the job.....buu thats not all thats troubling city hall... hall.... jeff abell is live there tonight with the story, jeff.... ff.... brought the ppoto to city hall..... it appears to have captured a city wwrker sleeping on the job.... anddnow, the ne picture is worth a thousand questions. in patterson park today....life seemed so picture had many residenns simply confused. disappointing..." (17:22:30) "of course, its offensive ann we hope resourres are being used wisely." ((6:52:40) phooo of one of cour city trucks dling...." city his fellow council members last night....what a neighbor of, what appears to be aacity worker, sleeping in a city park. (16:53:00) (kraft) "not only is the all that time, not only is it in ront of patterson park, but it happees to be idling from my house!" treet not the best example of how - our city employees re pupposed to be working foo the (employees) "that was an unfortunate portrayal of dot emplooees." the city coofirms that the worker is employed by the departtent of trannportation....but is still investigating. (16:58:42) "we do not tolerate, nor do we acceptt cattaas especially not in city vehicles when youy're in a a city uniform." goveenmeet workers seem to be caught nnpping more often these days. we found a this statt contractor doziig recently while he supposed too be monitoring a speed camera. in milwaukee, two city workers were sleeping slumped over the wheel .... and lass years state of the union - address....? withheach picture....comes questions.... (17:23:20) "i think ii does send a signallthat maybe things aren't being done the way they should." the city's transportation departmmnt s stillltrying to fiiure out what was happening when the picture wws taken.....ann what move to make next,. live at city hall, jeff abell, fox 45 news at ten. today... the mayor released a reporr whch concluded city schools need two-point-three biilion dollars in upgrades. minimum standards. some need structural repairs. others don'' have air ccoditioning... ...and more than half the spaae inside middle and higg schools is not even being used. the schools chief - doctor andres alonso - says these findings will help him decide which schools need to be consolidated or closed.but creating a plan won't be easy. account several faators, < "so it's gonna need to be about utilitization, it's gonna be aboout the condition... gonna need to take into account ttansporta> transportation.">school officiaas will hold a ssries of 14 community meetings over the neet few months and hhpe to have a final decision by november. ...and to heep pay for some school upgrades... the city increassd its bottle tax. starttng in july of next bbverage in the city will cost an extra cents. that's almost double the current pottle tax.the tax increase was approvee by the city council earlier this month and was signed into law byythe mayor today at northwood elemntary school.the ew tax million dollars... e ten - how efficient is baltimore city overnment? some council members wanted to ensure that every department gets audited on a regulaa basis. but others leaders say audits would be a waste of time.in tonight's other "waste watch" reporr... melinda roeder takes a look at the fiscal oversight... or lack of it... in baatimore pity governmentt in a city facing steep cutbacks and tax increeses.... some say the need to watch spending is more important than evee.19:32::3"every time there is a deficit here, inssead of doinn good &pfinancial analysis, they all for a new tax"that was councilmaa carl stokes last yeara&&elling fox 45 thhtt instead of raising taxesa money by digging deeper into the books of city agencies. 19:24:411we don't have money to throw around, and i think in some instances we're throwing away moneybut fast the city council shot down stokes' ideaa... in a close vote..... to amend the city ccaater... adding a &prequirement for regular audit. it was defeat coming on the heels of another tax increasesathat left stokes frussrated.44.1.02"an audit bill just faileeais this a real cityawhat's going n?" the ayor opposed stoke's pudit bill, arguiig ii was too expensive to review 55 city agencies once every two years.... 22:46:14 "i think that's arbitrary. they ssould be auditee as needed."....nd adding it's the omptroller's - job to perrorming audits... in whatever time frame s deemed appropriate.22:45:13 "you know the comptroller, thrrugh the charter, has a responsibility to audit."22:45:45 "it doesn't require a charter amendment for her to o errjob."the mayor says she's added moree money to theebudget - for the purpose of hiring more auditors.. ut that the comptroller's officc has yet to do that.regarddees....coun cillaa stokes ttinks it's time to get erioos... with spending... spelling out clearly - what work needs to be done nd when.withouttthat mandate... he says there'' no way to accurately account for taxpayers' money.05;03"the truth is on any line in the budget..we on't even know if true."melinda roeeer.... fox 45 news at ten. the mayor says her office will follow up with the ccmpttoller - and ask that more audits be conducted... but only when inefficiencies.to suspect it'ssour duty to hold elected officials accountaale.you can do that by joining our fox45 waste watch.if youuhave a call our hotline...ent waste...- 410-662-1456.you can also log onto our website fox baltimorr dot com and click on waste watch. four bel air firefightees disciplined over what they posted on facebook... hhve lost their appeals. appeall.earriir this month.... one firefighter complaiied about the bel air "sonic" restaurant on facebook... for not giving him aadisccunt. othhr violunteers chimed in.... suggesting the department shoulln't resppnd to calls at the "sonic".4 firefighters were suspended or demoted as a result... and the chief has denied their appeals. a fifth firefighter facing termination is still waiting to hear about his appeal. a 19-year-old is in critical condition after a run-in with baltimore countyypolice.crime and justice reporter jjy lepola tells us why family memb. mmmbers...saa police... went too ffr. far. nichols is in critical evontay condition ... affer police 21:12:22 all the tubes just everything it doesn't look good to me period. i ever seen my son like that :31 detectives say it was an accident that they were trying to hit nichols in the arm but he moved and the flashlight hit his head. 21:14:011my son is laying up here like this from a police offfcer beating him with a flashlight in his head and he mmyybe on his death bbd :09 earrier police had responded to a domesticcviolence call at this apartment complex in towson. fled.... officcrs returned hours later. they say he was hiding in a closet....the mother of his children says they didn't have toodo that to him they didn't. breannaa mosley says police hit nichols (girlfriend) 21:18:33 i just don't want my kids to looe their father it's not fair it's not fair because he didn't do anything wrong.:47 ballimore county argues officers were justified.... sayyng in a statement... "the suspect began reaching for sooething under clothing on the floor and pushed the officer in the chest, causing him to fall backwards." it was during that strugglee &ppolice admit they tried to hi and strike him innthe head. a - blow... so damaging... doctooss won't say with any real cerrainity... that nichoos will survive.. joy lepola fox p5 news at ten. &pnichols faces additional charges tonight including assaulting a police officer. it's been almost two weeks since a randallstown teen was killed during a struggle with an off-duty officer.tonight, the officer still faces no chargess and the family of chhistophee brown says they ssill don't knnw exactty whatt happened thaa night. night.janice park is streaming live in randallstown, where brown's family turned to the community tonight for answers. ? janice?jennifer,there were about a hundred people that came to this community meeting...there were neighbors, brown's family....buttnotabill missing from tonight'ssmeeting was pollce. 17 year ld christophee brown's mother arriied today at this community meeting black leadees spoke...as well as neighbors who say there were outside, the night annoff duty officer killed christopper brown.some teens neighborhood that night...and at the house of that off duty offiier.tonight some neighboos &psay offiier james laboard did not giveebrown cpr the wholee pime...and don't believe he gave the teen adequate care. helppthe teen that night.both neiggbors ann black leaders were calling for the rrest tonight of the officer. "definately believe he was murdered, so that's why i police wasn't arrestedd i understand""chris was a kid always thinking aboot other practice, coach how are you doing, his family and hissmother hey deserve a lot &pof redit forrraising a beautiful young mmn" chris brown's mothhr sayy both the police chieffand other pfficerr were invited to thee meeting. sse's calls them not showing up cowardly. johns hopkins hospittl has been ordered to pay 55 illion dollars......to the parents f a child wiih cerebral palsy. kathleen airns tells us about the inaction of doctorr... ...thattmay have caused her child's ccndition. condition. and a half...but stilllost two - functions... like a newborn. he has has severe cerebral alsy.... his parents lame johhs hopkins hospital for not performing an (mom close)"i never expected - to arrive at a hospital in ann ambulancc and then not be atttnded to... "(second attorney)"but then at the number one hospptal n the world it took over an hour to draw blood test and an hour and 55 minutes to do the c section..and the theme of our case was common sense. urgent means urgent." almost two hours passed befooe she had the c--ection... now enzo has injuries which will last is life time. a baltimore jury dollars in the malpractice post frustrating and hard thing about this is that all of thess injuries were complltely preveetable and used to pay for essential l be medical help for enzo... including round the clock care. (three hot)"i think that that money is never going &pto do anything for the past but iithink it will enabll us to have plans for the fture and hope for the future." (cairns)"administrators at jh h say they are stunned by the verdict they issued a statement saying appropriate care was given and hey plan treasure the special ."for - mommnns.... liie his smile.... and the unconditionnl love... they share. ( back time to his sound..and parents laugh moment)ittis not the life they ad planned for their son... but itts tte future.. they have now been handed. in reisterstownnkc fox &the newwripleys believe it or not opened innthe light street pavillion in the inner harbor today......with some acts that might makeeyou criige. cringe.one two of course, don'tttry that at home...he... just bit into a light bulb....and theee he is... pounning a nnil into his noseanother wwman...pllying with fire.ripleysswill be open 365 days a year...until 10 at night sunday through thursday......and until midnight on friday and saturday 3 32:37 "it has got to be the walkee upon and founddhuman - body parts in the road or in a dog's mouth. mouth. cemmteries... in ssambles.one woman's crusade... to fix phem...in our cover story ... later on fox45 neew attten he was our family, our friend. e didn't deserve that at all." alll" the family dog... shot by police... 6 times... why this ccnfrontation.... s sparking a lawsuit......after the break [ male announcer ] millions of dollars for new schools and teachers... thousands of new good paying jobs... all without raising taxes. that's what a world-class resort casino at national harbor would mean for maryland. but it won't be built unless lawmakers give us the right to vote on it this november. call 1-800-492-7122 and tell your delegate and state senator to vote "yes" on national harbor... one of the biggest new job projects in the country. to vote "yes" on national harbor... is suing their hometown... over the death of their dog. they want five million dollars in damages after elkton police october.fox45's paul gessleer explains what they want even more than money. "i loved him." "yeeh, we alll loved him."nakia mccourry and her son jaden prefer to remember the good times they had with their dog shiioh. shiloh. "ittjust brinns tears to our eyes. thhy grow up with yoo. they become paat of your family."it was a violent end for the three- year- old pit bu. bull. "whileeone officer was here, onn officer was over here."hhr peiihbor lisa lucas shows us what happened in october of last year. year. "i relive this every day. i reliveeit every day."elkton police ooficers responded to a call to the hollingsworth manorrneighborhood.shiloh had been in a fight with another do. dog. pthey (police) made tte statement that the dog charged growling. he did none f that." shiloh was shot six times. &ptimes. "he was a part of s, you know. he was our family, our &pat all." all.""it appears to be for some sort of sadissic there's no reason to shoot an animal that many times." thursday, nakia and her 3 attorneys filed a lawsuit n feddral court. "to keep hooting an innocenn dog as he was walking away fromm ou, that just boggles my mind."...asking for five million dollars in damages. damages. "it's definitell not abbut mooey. i just want people to know thht pit bulls are a good dog. itts just about how you raiseethem."naaia says the lawsuit takes a backseat to what she and her family really . &pwant. "we just want an apology fromm them that's really what it comes down to, and theyycan't even be (courteous) enough to po that."in elkton, paul gessler, fox45 news at ten. &pwe've contacted he town's attorney, police department couuty s-p-c-a, wwich as also named in the lawsuit...none of the agencies returned our phone calls. plann to build a slots casino near m&t bank stadium coold takk months longer than expected.. caesaas entertainment corporation says the project middle of 2014 at the earliest. earliest.the casino was set to open off russell street by the end of 2013... but the group is still waiting for its icens. license.the state lottery commission has recommended approval....but now, a separate panel - must review an innestigation into caasars and its partners. partners.from there... they'll need about 18 months to build the casino... and get t up and running. 3&polls continue to show the race for the white house is close.the average of recenn polls shows presiddnt barack obama ahead of republican challenger mitt romney y about aad a half points.the 22ámost recentá polls in the áobamaá. former secretary of state condoleezza rice is putting a might beea pick for vice she - president. rice saas she has no interest in joining mitt romney on the republican ticket she says "it's really not me. i know my strengths and weaknesses." rice, however, says romneyy will pick a strong running despite rampanttfuudraiiing, the obama re-election campaign is spending a lot more than its raising. raising.faced with a áá7 shortfall... the host aising pommittee for the democraaic national convention pulled the plug on using the charlotte mooor speedway for its big laborrday kiikoff......raising more questions about whethhr a lack of enthusiasm will prevent theepresident from &plike north ccrolina.round - bayhhsays: "... number one a bad economy makes raising large sums of money more difficult, number two it's no secret the president is not as popular in many parts of thh business community." community."convention officials downplayee the money -- ssressinggthey moved the kickoff to ""axiiize accessibility, transportation, and proximitt of all guusts." see all of our stories about the race for the white house on our weesite...go to fox- baltimore dottcom...and click on the vote 2012 icon innthe free feattres section.all of theeuus government... áencouraginná people to get on food stamps? stamps?margie looks amazing i wonder how she stays ss fitshe ptld me food stamp benefits helped her eat right and she stays active too. too.believe it or not... the department of agriculttre is spendiig about 3-million dollars on adio ads... that encourage eligible americans to enroll in the food stamps that brings us to our questioo of the day. should the federal government advertise its food ssistance prograas? programs? here's a look at our facebook page.a lot of you are still talking about this have shared it with friends.a lot of you say no... the government should not aavertise its fooddassistance programs.join the discussion ssash fox-baltimore local rraccion tonightto the supreme court'ssplit deeisioo on a controversial immigration law in arizona. the high court struck down parts of that paw...but leftone prrvision which allows police to check the immigration staaus of people they suspect are here illegally..john rydell hass pherifff..who is also enforcing that law... law... despite its continued growth...frederick is still town charm. and frederick county's sheriff...is trying to keep it afe.chaales jenkins...is well known for his efforts to crack down on illegaa immigrants. now...he'ss speaking out...on the suppeme court's split decisionn..on immigration. (jenkins) "i thiik it was really an injustice to the ameeicans down there in arrzona, it's basically saying this administtattin has said we our border states." frederick - county s beenpart of aa cooperativeeagreement wwth jenkins...saysthe high court's decision...will not iipact his county'simmigration policies. on the street, we make no ires - immigration status checks on the street, everything is after you're arrested in our custody t our detention center."jenkins says...it's thee upto federal customs officialsto decide whetter a detaineewill be deported. (rydell) "but advocates for immigrantssare nnt only upset pith the supreme ourr's split decision on immigration, they're alss still troubled by how the frederick county sheriff enforces the llw." a spokessoman for casa de maryland...says the tactics...used in frederick county amount to racial profiling...because not all those detained...are asked about their immigration stttus. and some residents...agree.(woman) "like racial profiling and getting pulled over because you look foreign or you don't sppakkthe language or whatever it is, i meen youucould drive past ssmeooe and see any sort of person in therer and assume &pthey're from a different country.""it'll remain s is." but to sheriff jenkins...the law...is the law. in frederick, john rydell, ffx 45 news at ten. in the past fouu years... frederick county has arrested thousaad iilegalimmigrants. a warm welcome home today to members of the maryland air guard.--welcome baak joe.... dad----ses dad------ about 15 members from the guard's á135th air liit groupá returned home to the warfield air national guard base. on a 90-day deployyent in afghanistan... helping with ongoing combaa operations. "sot oq: even more special." this was the second wave of returns...30 other members of the ame group arrived home just pesterday. perfect weather today... but that's coming to an end. 3 chief meteorollgist vytas reid is here with your first look at your skyyatch forecast.. vyts 3-tas e-readers....more compact than books......but there are lots of them.the ones that you should at ten 32:37 it has got to be the & orsttcemetery that walked upon and found human body parts in the road or in a dog's mouth. mouth. bbt nnxt...cemeteries... in crusade... to fix them...in our cover story ... after the crusade... to fix them...in our cover story ... after the break i'm one of six children that my mother and so college was a dream when i was a kid. i didn't know how i was gonna to do it, but i knew i was gonna get that opportunity one day, and that's what happened with university of phoenix. i feel like the sky's the limit with what i can do and what i can accomplish. my name is naphtali bryant and i am a phoenix. visit phoenix.edu/maryland to find our 4 locations in your area protect and preeerve - the past. in tonight's over conditions at some histtric introduces s to a oman who wants to clean up the mismanagement and decades of ne. neglect. (file bite from 2/28/2011 kg) "everyone of these people their life."this hallowed in - ground tells a story of also -- of neglect.(bite from 2/28/2011 pkg) "it;'s just, it's just a mess. it brreaks my eart everytime i cooe out here."we first visited mount auburn cemetery last feeruary.... with lu moorman.... who has 8 family members buried here among the dead and the debris.but where are they?she's had trouule finding even one tombstone. pack then --the pastor of the church that owns this land... promised she had a plan to clean it up.but it's a tough single accurate map of the ne - burial plots on record.((itt from /28/2011 "there was a map to my understanding decades ago... that we have not been ableeto locate." standup -- 48:49 "sincc our story first aired... have yet to be pretty angry!" ((witch to fresh video shot this wee!) caroyn jacobi founded the - after discovering the deplorable conditions at mount auburn.32:37 "it has got to be the worst cemetery that i ever walked upon and found human body parts in the rrad or in a dog's mouth.carolyn has preated an archive of photos showing bones... (((42:05 - picture of her father))) aad even a ssull she once unearthed - at the gravesite that finding that i decided i was gonna do something for ooher people."since then she's worked to hell restore dignity natioowide.earning accolades for her crusade.10:38 "i just want people to do the right thing. that's all."(transition tt mmunt zion cemetery - video shot this week. )but says she never had to look beyond baltimore to find morr burial peaatbreak.this is the mount zion cemetery in landsdown.a &pplace full of old, ttppled tommstones... and a few crumbled crypts.06:52-07:05 "i know from my history and knowledge of the industry that there's been recycling of graves there and i know that people do not know where their is convinced monuments have n &pbeen oved here. mmrkers destroyed. and she says there are red flags - like this - the tombbtone of a world ar from the 21-st century. (((ask beau menifee to find these &pshots!)a sign she says that graves are likely being withhmaybe a wide hot of the forklift) 14:38 "you're the superintendent, riiht?"the groundskeeper here tells me there is no complete map of the historic cemetery.and often... while digging fresh gravesites... there equipment will hit something - an old crypt or a sunken tombstone.he says they simply maak the spot... moveeover.. and start over with digging. digging. 3 3 3 3 3 3 the state office of cemetery oversight has confiimed that the owner of mount zion - warren harmis - was issued a warning to "ceese ooher cemetery - ""estern star" in catonsville... for improper licensing.so there should not be any burials taking lace there. 3 oliver says: "it's senseless, sense. this man... hhmeless - for years...the unique job police gave him...that solves 2 problees...next on fox45 news at ten ...and this contraption... is actually a helicpoter.the recood it broke...after thee break [ male announcer ] millions of dollars for new schools and teachers... thousands of new good paying jobs... all without raising taxes. that's what a world-class resort casino at national harbor would mean for maryland. but it won't be built unless lawmakers give us the right to vote on it this november. call 1-800-492-7122 and tell your delegate and state senator to vote "yes" on national harbor... one of the biggest new job projects in the country. to vote "yes" on national harbor... sad news out of hollywood tonight...writer nora ephron has died.she wrote... "when harry met sally" "sleepllss in seattle" and "julie and julia" ephron died of leukemia.she was 71. 3& police ii california are fed at a cemetery ..... but their solution may surprise ou. 3 the police department deciied tt hire a voounteer caretaker.... donald oliver was homeless for three years, but spent a lot of his ttme the homeless population. now his home is this trailer providdd by the police, in exchange for oliver says: "each life, every headstooe has a story. it reeresent a life that's been lived and you should respect th" that." police say they were forced to look outside the department because of shrinkinggcity only keepsswatch, but is clearing away years of growth a maryland helicopter haa longest human-powered fliiht. &pit didn'ttexactly get an """ for altitude. &p3"whoo!" the previous record for duration. this craft is techniially a helicopter, even engineering students at thee - university of maryland worked or more than three and a half years tt bring this 50 seccnd flight to life. ttey were just ten seconds short of the a quarrer million dollar to win sikorsky ppize for human- powered flight. p3 3 3 3 the thing you