Budget 2021 will be delivered on Thursday 20 May, Finance Minister Grant Robertson announced today. “My focus continues to be on making sure spending is targeted at the areas and people that need it the most. “We will manage the books carefully including ensuring we are getting value for money .
3 days ago
Morena ki a tatau, Tena tatau i nga kaupapa hauora, E tuitui nei i a tatau i tēnei ata, Ka nui te mihi ki a koutou katoa. When we were re-elected with a clear mandate for change, our Government made three promises: To keep New Zealanders safe from COVID-19 To .
Koff 4
Parked under a coolibah tree by a billabong in the Paroo River. No swagmen or women, jumbucks, troopers, grey nomads, santas, coronaviruses or anyone else in sight, just the odd emu family. Christmas in the Queensland outback is oddly cool and green. Cheers to all!
I Feel Love 5
Budget 2021 will be delivered on Thursday 20 May, Finance Minister Grant Robertson announced today. “My focus continues to be on making sure spending is targeted at the areas and people that need it the most. “We will manage the books carefully including ensuring we are getting value for money .
3 days ago
Morena ki a tatau, Tena tatau i nga kaupapa hauora, E tuitui nei i a tatau i tēnei ata, Ka nui te mihi ki a koutou katoa. When we were re-elected with a clear mandate for change, our Government made three promises: To keep New Zealanders safe from COVID-19 To .
Oh dear, how sad, another self-entitled entrepreneur (Phil Sprey of Capital C: Concerts) wants the Government to change the rules so he can refill his coffers. It seems he has failed to understand what has made NZ s Covid response successful. Private contractors are not able to be trusted, as Australia has also learned at great cost, and he naively believes that superstars would play by the rules when internationally, they haven t. Sprey also seems to not understand the risks involved with superspreader events.
If his, is such a great idea, he should demonstrate his commitment by offering to carry the risk by depositing sufficient funds to meet the cost of containing and eliminating any consequent Covid-19 outbreak. The concept of employing the Government services at superstar rates to quarantine the performers and their entourages would not go amiss – but that would affect his bottom line no doubt. Even then, should the country carry the risks associated with his personal busines
satty 2.2.1
Interestingly, one of my reasons to move to NZ was the close distance to several nuclear power plants in Europe (Germany and France). My neighbour worked in one of them and after hearing his inside stories you know that most promises / claims by the nuclear industry are worthless bullshit.
If they really believe they are 100% safe, they wouldn t have the nuclear power plants in limited liability sub-companies and they would be able to properly ensure them.
And there s still the nuclear waste from running and decommissioning the power plants. The German power companies immediately agreed to pay 5 billion Euros to the German government to rid themselves from such problems… similar to other polluting options it s all economical while the pollution is for free.