Villagers in El-Aliqat village in the Upper Egyptian governorate of Qena have tested positive for the mosquito-borne dengue virus, the Ministry of Health announced in a statement on Tuesday
गुमला के पालकोट में जेना नदी में पुल नहीं बनने से 1000 की आबादी प्रभावित हैं. बारिश के समय तो स्थिति और विकट हो जाती है. ग्रामीणों को कहीं आने-जाने के लिए बाइक को कंधे पर ढोकर नदी पार करना पड़ता है. इसके बावजूद इस समस्या के हल के लिए कोई सुध नहीं ले रहा है. | Jharkhand news (दुर्जय पासवान, गुमला) : गुमला जिला अंतर्गत पालकोट ब्लॉक के देवगांव मौजा में जेना गांव है. गांव की आबादी करीब 1000 है. यह गांव शिक्षित ह
In rather horrific development, a 51-year-old Shamva polygamist fatally assaulted one of his 22 wives to death after accusing her of having an affair with another man.
Joseph Chogugudza from Jena Village under Chief Musana in Shamva is accused of killing his 11th wife Emerina Gandira using an electric cable.
Mashonaland Central police spokesperson Inspector Milton Mundembe confirmed the tragic incident which happened on April 12 this year at around midnight to local reporters.
According to the police report, on the fateful day, a misunderstanding arose between Chogugudza and his wife Gandira after he accused her of infidelity.
Chogugudza allegedly took an electric cable and used to assault his wife until 4 am.