0 within the party. and people who are trying to sort of determine where the whole thing goes from here and which side they are on. it is messy, choppy, and out the midterm election i think a lot of republicans thought they were going to get. now you see this sort of outgrowth of that that is continuing to be a very messy process in the house right now. john: so, we have 19 people, martha, voted for someone other than mccarthy. biggs got the lion s share of that. i wouldn t think that all of those 19 are hard nos and we heard hard yeses but not all hard-nosed. but when you take a look at what andy biggs is saying, it doesn t look like in the amount of force trading can placate and bring him over to the maccarthy si side. mccarthy is never going to get speaker. that is right. it was interesting what happened over the weekend, john. they got this huge recession for maccarthy that only five people can force a revote of the speakership. so at any time they would be able to hold his f