Dems Go Bonkers Over GOP Attempts to Remove Swalwell Over Bang Bang Affair
Dec 16, 2020
RUSH: So the Republicans want Eric Swalwell thrown off of the House Intelligence Committee because he’s been having an affair with a Chinese babe named Bang Bang. And he… (interruption) I call her Bang Bang. I mean, to convey what’s been going on there between Swalwell and the ChiCom spy. She is Fang Fang, Fing Fang, Bang Bang as far as I’m concerned. Swalwell has been doing the nasty with Bang Bang.
And the Republicans want him thrown off the committee. He’s been compromised by a spy, and the Democrats are going bonkers, saying this is not right, it’s not fair, he can see a Chinese spy, he can bang a Chinese spy and still do his job on the committee. Now, I have a tweet here by a young conservative woman named Kaitlin Bennett. You know, this program’s inspired a lot of young conservatives over the years, and this babe may be one of them. Listen to this tweet. This is so hot.
ukrainian president wanted to a meeting with the president trump he need to make a anti-corruption statement. the demand has been communicated by rudy giuliani. quote, i understood sondland said in revision to his deposition that that satisfying mr. jowlny was a condition for scheduling the white house visit. the visit we should point out that wouldn t have been just ceremonial. ukraine has been fighting russian backed forces for five years. it s trench warfare in ukraine. signaling american support for ukraine is vital to kyiv and president trump knows it. back with dana bash, jeff toobin and david axelrod. david, i mean satisfying mr. giuliani. i mean what that took to satisfy wasn t a giant anti-corruption drive and ukrainians official giuliani never heard of tp it was going after the bidens. nor is giuliani an diplomat or agent of foreign policy. he was on a political mission, to try and get back up for
yes. before the intelligence committee. which is likely to have probably more of a political impact than just a bunch of nerds like us who sat around reading this all day. that i think is likely if anything is going to change minds that s going to be it. we got to take a break. jeff toobin dana bash. dave axelrod thank you. coming up on the kentucky race, the graffiti race it s close to an updates. we ll bring you the live update ahead. biopharmaceutical researchers. pursuing life-changing cures in a country that fosters innovation here, they find breakthroughs. like a way to fight cancer by arming a patient s own t-cells. because it s not just about the next breakthrough. it s all the ones after that.
women served the secretary of state and willing to take on the president when they thought he was wrong. i can think of george schultz during the reagan years. cy vance resigned during the carter years when he disgrood with the policy. where is the honor here. congressman connolly thank you. my pleasure. dan aire bash, cnn chief legal analyst jeffery toobin and david axelrod. former senior adviser to president obama. so, jeff, there was now a quid pro quo so remembered suddenly ambassador sondland. this is a big deal. connolly certainly thinks it is. do you think so. it s a very big deal. he was in the middle of the foreign policy. he was the point person that was established very early on in this process and the fact that he now acknowledges it is i think close to conclusive evidence of what happened here. you know, the issue of his changing testimony, a lot of people have been raising the
the pressure from the trump administration, he clearly knew one very clear item here, which is the meeting he wanted to have with president trump, that face-to-face meeting. right. was at stake if he did not support an investigation into. got it. companies like barisma. renae thank you oech. back with carl bernstein, gloria borger, jeff toobin. the fact that the president is talking about no quid pro quo time line makes no sense. the fact before he is in offices feeling pressure from giuliani and trump world. you know, what s so extraordinary about in story is that every single piece so far fits together. now, usually not the case. usually there is sort of weird stray facts. everything that s coming out suggests that the only interest root of jowlny or donald trump or anyone allied with him in ukraine was getting dirt on the political opponents and figuring out what happened in 2016 with