Detailee from the secret service and the detailee from the department of justice. The presiding officer without objection. Mr. Grassley today i come to the floor to address my colleagues about the bipartisan resolution of disapproval that i introduced on january 30, along with senator crapo, and 24 other cosponsors. This resolution now has 32 cosponsors and this resolution of disapproval is absolutely necessary. The resolution is a procedure, as we know, under the Congressional Review Act for repealing executive branch regulations. The regulation at issue in this disapproval resolution was issued by the Social Security administration under president obama. This regulation unfairly stigmatizes people with disabilities. If the regulation is not repealed, it will allow the agency to very unfairly deprive Social Security recipients of their secondamendment rights. The regulation would result in disability recipients being reported to the National Instant criminal background check system as
Detailee from the secret service and the detailee from the department of justice. The presiding officer without objection. Mr. Grassley today i come to the floor to address my colleagues about the bipartisan resolution of disapproval that i introduced on january 30, along with senator crapo, and 24 other cosponsors. This resolution now has 32 cosponsors and this resolution of disapproval is absolutely necessary. The resolution is a procedure, as we know, under the Congressional Review Act for repealing executive branch regulations. The regulation at issue in this disapproval resolution was issued by the Social Security administration under president obama. This regulation unfairly stigmatizes people with disabilities. If the regulation is not repealed, it will allow the agency to very unfairly deprive Social Security recipients of their secondamendment rights. The regulation would result in disability recipients being reported to the National Instant criminal background check system as
Faith Fitts was really happy for her brother John when he received an appointment to West Point last year. Two months removed from receiving her own appointment, looking back, she