Fresno Madera Farm Credit, a farmer-owned cooperative in California’s Central Valley, announced recently that it will distribute a record $17.1 million in cash patronage to their member borrowers.
Lee N. Field Lee N. Field is an obvious pseudonym.
It comes from the Lee-Enfield rifle, which in various versions was the British Empire s battle rifle from the 1890s through to the 1950s. Hot stuff, in its place and time.
I own two: a FazerkleyNo. 4 Mk II which from its serial number was an Irish Constabulary rifle, and an Ishapore 2A (in 7.62x51!). Neither get shot enough, as I m mostly a handgun shooter. Cheap surplus .303 British has essentially dried up, which is not surprising since the only rifle that shoots it was last made 50 years ago.
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