just what you call discretionary spending. i don t know. we just have a very different value set. joining us now, lot cover here, my old friend gene sperling, senior adviser to the president. jeanne, thank you for being with us. thanks for having, me elie. let s talk about all the things going on right now. low unemployment, federal reserve that s talking about hiking interest rates and we re still wrestling with inflation and we ve got this debt ceiling thing coming up upon us that has to be dealt with. look, there is no question that this is a critical time. and what you are seeing in these budget discussions is really a tale of two different values. both about what you would do with your budget and both also about your basic responsibility to the economic confidence in economic management in this
decade. here s what president biden had to say about that. members of the house caucus will consider voting to raise the debt ceiling contingent upon the enactment of legislation. do you know what that act is? cut all spending on defense by 25%. 25%. that means cops, firefighters, it means health care, that s just what you call discretionary spending. i don t know. we just have a very different value set. joining us now, lot cover here, my old friend gene sperling, senior adviser to the president. jeanne, thank you for being with us. thanks for having, me elie. let s talk about all the things going on right now. low unemployment, federal reserve that s talking about hiking interest rates and we re still wrestling with inflation and we ve got this debt ceiling thing coming up upon us that has to be dealt with.
alex financial house is a wreck, stealing money from clients. he has got to produce a financial statement maybe in a hearing coming up. and his dad goes back in the hospital that day. his dad goes back in the hospital that day and dies a few days later. okay. so i get a call. jeanne comes in. my dad is going to the hospital. paul is coming home. that would be a good time to kill paul, wouldn t it? that is their theory of the case. if you don t accept that beyond a reasonable doubt, ladies and gentlemen, i submit the verdict has to be not guilty. there is no reason for him to do it. no reason whatsoever. now you ve heard a lot of testimony about these financial crimes, misdeeds, and he told you he did it. he told you he did it to support
some republicans, some of them. they know the truth about the debt ceiling. that is why they want you worried about the balloon. republicans are gonna miss that balloon. because, for a few days, they got to pretend that they are threat to default on the national debt is not. a single biggest danger. that america faces tonight. leading off our discussion tonight former deputy national security adviser to president bomb on msnbc political analyst. also that is, to pass a service senior economic adviser to president obama, and president clinton. he s now senior adviser to president biden. jeanne, thank you very much for joining us tonight. what do you think americans need to know about this threat of default on the debt issue by republican members of congress? well lawrence, i thought you nailed it on trying to decide. let me come back to that.