It’s true that an NC-17 rating can make it difficult for a film to make money at the box office; major chains often won’t even carry them, seeing them as a like-for-like with the X rating it was introduced to replace. While that seems less of an issue in the streaming era, NC-17 still carries a stigma.
At a time when George Orwell’s ’1984’ feels more relevant than ever, Sandra Newman’s novel ‘Julia’ critiques Orwell’s misogyny in ‘1984’ while joining a long tradition of fictional retellings that reimagine a classic work’s protagonist through the eyes of a marginalized character, writes Laura Beers.
A report by Polly Pattullo The childhood home of the writer Jean Rhys in the centre of Roseau, Dominica, has been demolished by its new owner. It is understood that a four-storey office block is to be put in its place. The house, which stood on the corner of Queen Mary Street (now Independence Street)…