he was under suspicion for almost single handedly launching the age of bioterrorism by mailing letters laced with deadly anthrax in 2001 to 2 u.s. senators and several news organizations. five people died. seven years later it was all coming to a head. authorities closing in when ivans walked into jean duley s office almost out of control. i d never seen him that way before. he was extremely angry and nasty in his demeanor. the receptionist actually came back to me and said there s something wrong. reporter: it was july 2008 when ivans showed up at a group counseling session for addicts that duley counseled. he was still not admitting anything. he started in on his tirade, and started talking about how he
he said he was getting the the next day he was getting a glock from his son and he was going to take out his colleagues at ft. detrick. people that had wronged him at ft. detrick. the fbi agents. and during this it wasn t a casual conversation. he was extremely angry and extremely rageful and he described it in detail. all the ammunition he had. he had bought a bulletproof vest. he had made a bulletproof vest. he had written a detailed plan on how to do it. reporter: with such specific threats, duley, who had been seeing ivans for six months says she called the police and took him to the hospital. later ivans was transferred to a baltimore psychiatric hospital. days after being released ivans killed himself.
she called the police and took him to the hospital. later ivans was transferred to a baltimore psychiatric hospital. days after being released ivans killed himself. when you heard about it, what did you think? i was really angry. reporter: why? because i told them not to let him go. i knew he was going to kill himself. he killed himself with tylenol. i said, he planned that. he knew that. he knew that. he knew exactly how much to take. when to take it. reporter: duley sat down with us this week just days after the fbi officially closed the anthrax cases. the conclusion, that ivans was the anthrax killer. duley can speak more freely about her client s mental state. she maintains it wasn t his addiction to vodka or pills but root problem goes back to his childhood. she says ivans had a bondage fixation. the bondage and blindfolding.
coming to a head. authorities closing in when ivans walked into jean duley s office almost out of control. i d never seen him that way before. he was extremely angry and nasty in his demeanor. the receptionist actually came back to me and said there s something wrong. reporter: it was july 2008 when ivans showed up at a group counseling session for addicts that duley counseled. he was still not admitting anything. he started in on his tirade, and started talking about how he was not going to be indicted. he wasn t going to allow them to indict him on five counts of capital murder and not going to go out willingly and going to go out in a blaze of glory.