Records in the first place, that money is mine. [laughter] it occurs to me that possession is 9 10th s of the law. Keep up with the smart mouth and my foot will be 9 10th s of the way up your ass. Jesse punishment gives. Dont like losing freedoms and privileges, dont put gum in your sisters hair. Not all moms and dads have the stomach to do whats necessary to keep their children in line. Im sure you all out there know some parents who just let their kids run wild. And you might even be one of those parents. When you let your kids off without punishing them. They will hurt themselves and they will walk all over you. And probably end up hurting others down the road. Thats essentially whats happening in most of americas major cities. Local democrat leaders have decided that criminals no longer deserve to be punished. And now crime is surging. But these arent kids who skipped school or borrowed your car without asking. Like i did. And that wasnt really the worst of it believe me, i was a m
Records in the first place, that money is mine. [laughter] it occurs to me that possession is 9 10th s of the law. Keep up with the smart mouth and my foot will be 9 10th s of the way up your ass. Jesse punishment gives. Dont like losing freedoms and privileges, dont put gum in your sisters hair. Not all moms and dads have the stomach to do whats necessary to keep their children in line. Im sure you all out there know some parents who just let their kids run wild. And you might even be one of those parents. When you let your kids off without punishing them. They will hurt themselves and they will walk all over you. And probably end up hurting others down the road. Thats essentially whats happening in most of americas major cities. Local democrat leaders have decided that criminals no longer deserve to be punished. And now crime is surging. But these arent kids who skipped school or borrowed your car without asking. Like i did. And that wasnt really the worst of it believe me, i was a m
The estranged husband you know you are a Person Of Interest . The ex. The brandnew boyfriend. Somebody knew that we were seeing each other and didnt like it. And the unbelievable thing that, they were all there in the morning of the murder. So who did it . My stomach was in my throat. All of us were a little taken aback. It was really hard for my brain to wrap around that. It was early morning, still dark. The spring air was a cold blanket around the pick up parked and running near the main street of little glendive, montana. At 5 20 am, the Passenger Side door opened, a woman stepped out and hurried across the and the street to the entrance to her downtown apartment. Her coat, disheveled. Her bra slung over one arm. The mans eyes followed her through the dark. Drawn as other mens eyes were, like moths to flame. To her. To the woman now crossing the sidewalk to her doorway, susie. Lightning in a bottle. They were all there. There at susies front door. Each one of them was part of that
There was no fear of anything. I dont know if something snapped. I was shocked. I couldnt say anything. A doctor comes home but not for long. An hour later, she was back at the hospital she just left. She had this blank stare in her eyes. Three days later, she was dead. I said, she is my child and i gave birth to her and i want to know what happened to her. At first, it was just a medical mystery. For all intents and purposes she should be alive. It was out of this world. It made no sense. But soon, it became a Murder Mystery. Because once they discovered what killed her, the next question was who. If he couldnt have her, no one was going to have her. I still have it made sense of it. Welcome to dateline. The doctor was in the business of saving lives but the doctor became a patient one Out Of The Blue she collapsed and was rushed to the e. R. Now the seemingly Healthy Woman in the prime of her life was fighting for her life. It was a medical mystery or was it . This is the case for do
She was stunning. Modellike. She had that personality, that happiness from within. Men found anna, irresistible. I see her, my angel of light. I called her my muse. They wrote her poetry, gave her gifts. How much money did he give anna . 46,000. He some kind of sugar daddy . Thats what it appears to be. She was found dead in her house. Shes lying on the ground blood coming out of her mouth. Who would do this to her . With so many Men In Her Life, so many potential suspects. He knew an awful lot about her routines and who she dated. He is trying to get into her Bank Accounts her emails. Hes a direct beneficiary of a large sum of cash, thats someone were gonna look at. Could this strange clue, reveal a killer . There was a locked drawer inside the drawer was a letter in russian. That letter gave you a window into what was really happening . Right. We were confident he was gonna be our guy. Reporter of all the places a beautiful, bright, young russian might end up frisco, texas might not