Living with COVID: A new norm The reality of the global COVID pandemic is that no one can drop the ball while even one case exists. No one is safe. This is an insidious virus, morphing now to an even more contagious threat. Nations now investing in the COVID vaccine have different timelines and targets for innoculation routines. They are advanced Western nations with the luxury of scientific researchers working on a cure. However, we are a global village, our responsibility to poorer developing nations cannot be underestimated. With no nation totally immune while the virus is on the loose, leadership needs to keep vigilant. Masks and contact tracing with continual testing regimes will minimise the threat.
make a recommendation that jane doe 1 is michelle knight throughout the indictment. jane doe 2 is mooned berry throughout the indictment. jane doe 3 is georgeino and jane doe 4 is josina throughout the indictment. any objections to that proposed amendment? no objection. the counts that correspond to the various jane does 1, 2, 3, and 4 will be amended so they will now incorporate instead of jane doe number 1, it will be michelle knight. for jane doe number 2, it will be amanda berry and jane doe number 3 it will be gerogina dejesus and jayne doe number 4 is joselina.