Katie Wee talks openly for the first time about the abuse she suffered at the hands of her ballet teacher Victor Kabaniaev and what she endured to protect others.
discourage persons from exercising their constitutional rights and privileges, according to this. the department of justice, at most senior levels of the biden administration, and the organization, including national school board association, colluded to sit up parents and parent organizations and taxpayers, to silence them. on information and belief in our about mid september, work began to developing attorney general memorandum, concerns expressed by depend staff, absence of federal law enforcement nexus and authority. there is none. number two, constitutional protected nature of parent s protest, absolutely it protected, jane doe 2 made it clear this was a house white house house pry. on september 29 exciting legal authority citing
officials, that is department of justice, including one appointee in civil rights division. jane doe 1 and john doe 1, and others in white house, separatedly express concern regarding potential start son political impact of parent mobilization and organization around school issues in up coming midterm elections, this is about a sleazy and untorrid as it gets, on information and belief at direction of or consent of jane doe 1, jane doe 2 and other biden administration officials develop a plan to use a letter from an outside group, they say not usual suspects, that would likely be, assume letter from national school boards association, that outrageous outrageous letter. as pretext for federal action to chill, deter and