The Delhi High Court has said that it is a sorry state of affairs in the Constitutional Courts of the country that the poor labourers are forced to fight tooth and nail to get justice for.
The Delhi High Court has suggested the Parliament’s Select Committee to make changes in Section 438 of the new CrPC[BNSS] (akin to Section 437A of Code of 1973) pertaining to the requirement of.
The lawyers highlighted cases of hate speech allegedly perpetrated by Hindu nationalist organisations against the Muslim community and said there is a "campaign underway to spread fear and hatred in the state".
Delhi High Court has dismissed an application by the owner of website, Sci-Hub, Alexandra Elbakyan, to dismiss a lawsuit by publishing houses accusing Sci-Hub and Lib-Gen of copyright infringement and online piracy.
The Delhi High Court on Wednesday sought a response from the Centre through the Ministry of Labour and Employment and others on a plea filed by the Labour Law Association against the shifting of the Central Government Industrial Tribunal cum Labour Court from Rouse Avenue District Court Complex to a new building constructed by the Central Government in Dwarka.