Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. The Delhi High Court on Thursday stayed the search warrants issued for searching the office premises of advocate Mehmood Pracha. Delhi police had obtained search warrants for searching his office premises in a matter related to the alleged use of a fabricated affidavit used in one of the Delhi riots cases. India News | Delhi High Court Stays Search Warrants Issued Against Advocate Mehmood Parcha.
Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Oct 15: Protests and condemnations by various organisations were there today against the brutal killing of a Kashmiri Pandit man in Shopian area of J&K. Hundreds of protesting displaced Kashmiri Pandit employees seeking their relocation from the valley here today blocked Jammu-Akhnoor road in protest against the latest targeted killing of their community member by terrorists in Kashmir. Puran Krishan Bhat was fired upon by terrorists near his residence in Chowdhary Gund area of south Kashmir’s Shopian […]
Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, July 8: National Conference President, Dr Farooq Abdullah today exhorted the party functionaries to amplify their efforts to reach out to wider sections of society across J&K. While interacting with a number of delegations at his Jammu residence, he stressed that strengthening of the bottom-up model holds the key towards making the party stronger to take on the challenges in the future. “As far as NC is concerned, it is set to fight a multi-front battle. On […]
SRINAGAR: National Conference President Dr Farooq Abdullah today slammed the self-styled Messiahs of Kashmiri Pandits for betraying the community and working against their interests.
‘No decision on meeting Delimitation Comm’ Avtar Bhat JAMMU Dec 11: Without naming Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leaders, National Conference (NC), president and former Chief Minister, Dr Farooq Abdullah today slammed the self-styled Messiahs of Kashmiri Pandits for betraying the community and using them as vote bank to create a division between the communities and hatred among the people. Addressing a day long convention organized by NC Minority Cell at Sher-e-Kashmir Bhavan here today, Dr Abdullah said “You were used […]