Lucy Knight (The Guardian) writes, “He grew up in Jamaica, thinking his grandmother was his mother, learning how to read from a blackboard on her veranda. What does Jason Allen-Paisant plan to do now? Fly to Ethiopia to meet his father for the first time.” [Many thanks to Peter Jordens for bringing this item to…
After winning the richest award in British poetry on Monday – the £25,000 TS Eliot Prize – Jason Allen-Paisant couldn’t sleep for excitement, and found himself pacing the dark, freezing London streets, in “a confused vortex of emotions”.
[Many thanks to Peter Jordens for bringing this item to our attention.] Jamaican poet Jason Allen-Paisant has won the prestigious TS Eliot Prize for his book Self-Portrait as Othello. Our warmest congratulations! Included on the shortlist (see below) was fellow Jamaican poet and essayist Ishion Hutchinson (School of Instructions: A Poem). Last year's winner was…