Touched off a firestorm and ultimately led to the judges recall. Your honor, if it is all right, for the majority of this statement, id like to address the statement directly. Write in open court and now for the broadcast interview, it helped usher in the meet you, movement. Shoes provided leadership already come even without identifying herself. But when people come forward and put their name to an issue, they are essentially exercising personal leadership. She says shes willing to be identified with this part of her history, and obviously has an interest in telling it from her point of view. Miller graduated from Uc Santa Barbara and lives in San Francisco now. She is not only telling the truth on tv but also in a book entitled know my name. A professor who worked closely with miller during the case says the books help cement a case against the judge and help with the impacts of the sex assault five movement. I think its really important to remember that her case is not unique. Exper