WEST PARIS The First Universalist Church of West Paris is planning several March Sunday services at 9 a.m. at 208 Main St. All are welcome. Refreshments will follow the services, according to a news release from the church. March 3, led by guest speaker Bob Neal, whose “The Countryman” column runs Saturdays in The […]
To the Editor: We appreciate the article in the Jan. 31 issue, “A conversation about the role of Death Doulas”. We would like to clarify this sentence in the article, “…the care that death doulas offer is more personal than what hospice provides.” Hospice is a long-standing and well-recognized service. All hospice staff and volunteers […]
We appreciate the article in the Feb. 5 Sun Journal, “Supporting the dying: Death doulas are an emerging field.” We would like to clarify this sentence in the article, “… the care [death doulas] offer is more personal than what hospice provides.” Hospice is a long-standing and well-recognized service. All hospice staff and volunteers provide […]
To the Editor: I used to be an oncology social worker at the Dempsey Center. Before working at the Center, I remember the days when a diagnosis of Cancer was an unspoken word, especially to the person who has it. ”Don’t tell him… It will scare him…He shouldn’t know he’s going to die, etc. …” […]