On April 4, 2022, in the matter of Jane Rocks, et al. v. PNC Investments LLC, et al., a three-judge Appellate Panel affirmed the Superior Court’s grant of summary judgment in favor of.
Waterville council postpones voting on proposed change in Kennebec River management plan
The council voted to postpone indefinitely making a decision about an amendment to update the Kennebec River management plan, developed by the Maine Department of Marine Resources.
Four fishermen cast for stripers June 24, 2020, in the Kennebec River just below the Lockwood Dam in Waterville.
Michael G. Seamans/Morning Sentinel file
WATERVILLE A Canadian company that owns dams on the Kennebec River in Waterville and Winslow was unsuccessful this week in convincing the City Council to oppose a plan to change the state’s current river management plan.