STEUBENVILLE Nine local authors shared their works with interested visitors during the Afternoon with Ohio Valley Authors open house in the Jefferson County
TEUBENVILLE Nine local authors shared their works with interested visitors during the Afternoon with Ohio Valley Authors open house in the Jefferson County
Director of operations at Historic Fort Steuben and the Steubenville Visitors Center.
It’s funny how simple statements can spark or jog a memory of certain events. It is one of the wonders of our humanity that I seem to take advantage of quite often. I was in a situation like that this past week when I was thinking about this article. My wife mentioned to me one morning that she had a dream we were traveling around the country like gypsies asking for a piece of paper to write on. That reminded me of one of my absolute favorite pieces of Ohio Valley lore, that of the gypsies who wandered our area in the first half of the 20th century.