The drama begins tomorrow on S4C. Creisis steps into the fragile world of mental health and grief following Jamie Morris' story, a nurse who not only shoulders his patients' psychiatric problems but who is also dealing with his own mental deterioration. Gwydion Rhys stars as Jamie, he notes: "Jamie is central to every scene in
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Video above: Insight takes a look at what it’s like to lose your hair, how it affects your identity, and what can be done about it. Watch at 8:30pm, Tuesday May 4 on SBS or On Demand.
Coronavirus wasn’t on Amie Morris’ mind when she first got a sore throat in early March last year. Since she hadn’t travelled recently, and didn’t fit most of the criteria, it wasn’t on her doctor s mind either. So when her test came back positive, she was shocked.
“I was like: oh my God … there was so much stuff all over the news about it, and I can’t believe I’ve got it,” she said.