1863. The we have to start with two leading protagonists at the battle of Missionary Ridge in chattanooga. Of course, Ulysses Grant. Iram Ulysses Grant actually. A rising star as a general. Had not really lost a battle yet during the war, and eventually he goes on to further greatness. On the other side you have braxton bragg. Although the story might be a little bit apocryphal, apparently as lieutenant in, wars, hee seminole became the acting commissary officer. Requesty is he wrote a to the commissary officer himself for supplies. As a commissary officer, he turned them down. He sent another request that was turned down again, so went to the captain of the regiment and said, i reached an impasse, what should i do . Youcaptain said, bragg, have argued with every officer in the army, and now you are arguing with yourself. Request denied. So, braxton bragg, we had a symposium two years ago, of generals you love to hate. It was very interesting to me he was not picked. There could not po
I always like to ask this question. How many of you have been here before . Show of hands . All right. Everybody. Great. Welcome back to the museum. Always like to make a shoutout when i see mr. Richard lions in the audience. The reason we are here in this space is because mr. Lyons made an incredible discover in the 90s that saved the building from being torn down. Always like a round of applause for mr. Lyons for his discovery. This Evenings Program is a pay what you please event. Meaning that at the conclusion of the program we encourage you to leave a donation based on what you thought the program and the museum is worth to you. And for an evening of Civil War History the donation bin is at the bom of the stairs at the front of the Visitor Center on the first floor. As you head out this evening if you would just drop something in there, all proceeds go to support the Clara Barton Missing Soldiers Office museum. The museum is member supported as well. If you are interested in learni
Secretary, how many people here are associated with, in one form or another . Okay. How many people here, came to this organization as a child . Okay. How many think this is the most unifying organization in washington . Okay. laughs laughs applause we can all use a invitation, but nothing is good as smith near, nobody doesnt like smithsonian, because so much work you have done, let me just acknowledge for moment, about the reason we are here senator, and congresswoman, thank you very much for coming, let me acknowledge the presence off the regions, thank you very much for everything youve done, making this a very strong organization, i like to acknowledge the president of the museum, thank you for everything you have done, id like to thank all of you, who are otherwise connected to this organization and, come to this important historic event, we have 45 president s but, only 14 secretaries of this organization, so i will let you the judge which one is more important. But the people i
To insulation of the 14th secretary, how many people here are associated with, in one form or another . Okay. How many people here, came to this organization as a child . Okay. How many think this is the most unifying organization in washington . Okay. laughs laughs applause we can all use a invitation, but nothing is good as smith near, nobody doesnt like smithsonian, because so much work you have done, let me just acknowledge for moment, about the reason we are here senator, and congresswoman, thank you very much for coming, let me acknowledge the presence off the regions, thank you very much for everything youve done, making this a very strong organization, i like to acknowledge the president of the museum, thank you for everything you have done, id like to thank all of you, who are otherwise connected to this organization and, come to this important historic event, we have 45 president s but, only 14 secretaries of this organization, so i will let you the judge which one is more im
Alto. No arrests have been made. Kit do shows us today family and friends of the victim marched for justice and for answers. Reporter it was one year ago when the gunman opened fire on the crowd and killed two people. There were dozens of people standing around who likely saw the whole thing. The message today is get some courage and do the right thing. What do we want . Justice reporter on the oneyear anniversary of her sons death, Veronica Sandoval marches with a broken heart. What does it feel like to know there are witnesses out there and theyre not talking . I want to beg them to come forward and speak up. Reporter one year ago today there was a party. A fist fight broke out and investigators say during the melee, one of the men was cornered against the fence. A total of four people were hit. Sandoval and mendez both died. Since then, theres been a lot of chatter in the neighborhood about who saw what. The Police Commander said theyve done all they can and now they need a strong w