Even if he was the guy that took out Osama bin Laden in his Pakistani hideout, that wouldn’t give Daniel Penny the right to kill Jordan Neely on a New York City subway because he was being obnoxious.
Michael ” Mike” John Hoogland, 61, of Shreveport, passed away unexpectedly on March 23, 2023, in his family home. He was a pillar of the North Louisiana community, and the owner and President of Hoogland’s Landscape, LLC.
Historical Figures From We Didn t Start The Fire You Don t Know Anything About
By Marina Manoukian/March 8, 2021 12:23 am EDT
When was the last time you actually thought the people mentioned in We Didn t Start the Fire ? Take a listen and see if you recognize all of the historical figures that it lists.
In Billy Joel s iconic song We Didn t Start the Fire, Joel lists off over 100 famous events and people, starting in the year 1949, the year that Joel was born, and ending in 1989, the year that the song was released.
Although the song isn t a comprehensive list of important people from history, and the only non-man mentioned in the song who isn t an actress is Sally Ride, it s a great time capsule of people deemed important enough to be historical. And while some of the names remain fresh in our memory, other people have faded from public knowledge despite the importance they held at the time. Here are some historical figures from We Didn t Start the Fire you don t know a