Leader of the Opposition Siddaramaiah on Tuesday claimed that some BJP lawmakers and party workers were pressurising theatres to stop showing Puneeth Rajkumar's posthumous movie James and play The Kashmir Files instead. The BJP has denied this claim.
In James, Puneeth Rajkumar is playing the role of a manager in a security company. The military outfit of the late Kannada superstar was loved by one and all in the teaser. Fans shared glimpses from cinema halls while watching James and the celebratory mood seems like Diwali has come early.
If you are planning to watch the Kannada movie James, know where to book the movie tickets, release date, how to download in HD and other details here.
The makers of Puneeth Rajkumar's last film James hosted a grand pre-release event in Bangalore and family including his wife, brothers and cast attended.