7027. The clerk h. R. 7027, a bill making additional supplemental appropriations for fiscal year ending, september 0e, 2020 and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore the question is on passage of the bill. Members will record their votes y electronic device. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from california seek recognition . Ms. Brownley as the member designated by ms. Kuster of new hampshire, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house ms. Kuster will vote yes on h. R. 7027. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition . Mr. Pallone as the member designated by ms. Bonnie watson coleman, pursuant to
Infrastructure bill today. Voting procedures will be in effect. Live coverage here on cspan. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2020] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] the speaker pro tempore the house will be in order. The prayer will be offered by our chaplain, father conroy. Chaplain conroy let us pray. God of us all, thank you for giving us another day. Coronavirus diagnoses and deaths continue to mount throughout our nation. Please bless with healing and comfort those whose lives have been so severely disrupted. Continue to protect and empower those who tend to the sick and those who seek medical solutions to this dangerous pandemic. Unfortunately, there are many other issues pressing upon us. Bless the members of the peoples house whose responsibilities press them to address such seemingly overpowering challenges. Help them and help us all to trust that you have
The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from illinois reserves. The gentleman from missouri is recognized. Mr. Graves i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from missouri reserves. The gentleman from illinois is recognized. I yield one minute to the gentleman from rhode island, mr. Cicilline. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from providence, rhode recognized for one minute. Mr. Cicilline thank you, mr. Speaker. I thank the gentleman for yielding. Infrastructure is stuck in the 1950s, and it doesnt have to be. Fact, past time for congress to bring our bridges, roads, schools into the 21st century. American people gave democrats control of the u. S. House last year because we for the people. Higher wages, lower costs, and ooting out corruption in washington. The moving forward act delivers on that promise. It creates millions of time when jobs at a they are needed most. More than 40 million unemployment claims have been this since the start of pand
Mr. Espaillat i rise in support of this bill, one month ago george floyd was murdered. As i said in the days following, his daughter said daddy changed the world. And there is a manifest to, the harlem advocates for a ban on chokeholds and ends qualified immunity. The harlem manifesto includes a provision that Police Officers can be held accountable for excessive force. The standard should not be willful intent but reckness intent. We must pass this bill. The best anticrime policies are antipoverty policies. We must continue this fight. Black lives matter. Thank you, mr. Chair. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from north dakota. Mr. Armstrong we reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from california is recognized. Ms. Bass i yield one minute to the gentleman from texas, mr. Green. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Green thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker. For those who are not sure as
Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, 2 3 being in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed, and without objection the motion to reconsider is laid upon the table. For what purpose does the gentleman from oregon seek recognition . Mr. Key fazio i move the house suspend the rules and pass the bill h. R. 3245, the restore the harmony way bridge act. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk h. R. 3245 a bill to transfer a bridge over the roy bash river to the neujahr money river Bridge Authority antineujahr money and roy bash River Authority and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from oregon, mr. Defazio, and the gentleman from illinois, mr. Davis, will each control 20 minutes. The chair now recognizes the gentleman from oregon. Mr. Defazio sbreek, i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks