I started the project asking, is there a long history of black women in sports . I found more than i expected to find quite frankly. There wasnt any archive labeled , this is the history of black sports. So i had to piece it together. I got started by finding three women who actually played baseball in the negro leagues in the 1950s. It was a remarkable story. They played with the men. One of the things that stuck out to me about that story was that the owner who had brought in these black women to play with the man said he had a file where women across the country were writing in to request tryouts. That stuck in my head as a young graduate student and i thought, is there a lot of black girls history trying to play baseball, maybe theres is a Hidden History here. So that made me go out to find other stories in the book, from track, to tennis, from baltimore to rome, really looking at black women in sporting history in the 20th century. Let me talk about two names, oe is quite familiar
Susan steve inskeep, your book is entitled imperfect union how john and Jesse Fremont helped cause the civil war. Why did you believe the story of a 19thcentury power couple would have resonance today . Steve it is a story leading up to the civil war when the nation was very clearly divided into two political camps. We live in a politically divided time, although i dont want to imply we are headed for civil war. I dont know what we are headed toward, but there is resonance in the way we have red and blue states today. There were northern and Southern States than that were fundamentally divided over this giant issue of slavery. There are other things. The 1840s and 1850s was a time of enormous technological change. Cities east of the mississippi were connected and there was National Conversation which becomes part of the story i tell. It turns out these communication devices that were designed to bring people closest together drove them farther apart. They were horrified by what people
Logo books. He had the distinct privilege to publish abraham lincolns bestselling book. That of people do not know he wrote one. They had their famous debate. There were a couple of people from newspapers transcribing the debates, writing down shorthand and then a couple of days later, they would print it in newspapers. That way, people who did not attend could read about what happened. This is breaking news. Lets move on. Lincoln, after he lost the senate race, he worked hard to gather those newspaper transcript. He worked hard. There are at least nine himiving letters of heem gathering these newspaper transcripts. He cut them out and pasted them in a scrapbook. You can still see it today at the library of congress. He is making these tiny little edits in pencil. If one paragraph is not accurate, he is cutting it out and putting a different paragraph in its place. This book contained almost 1000 of his word. Almost as many as Stephen Douglas. Lincoln went to try to find a printer. Thi
They publish lots of different local books. He had the distinct privilege to publish Abraham Lincolns bestselling book. A lot of people do not know that he wrote one. When lincoln ran for the senate and lost to Stephen Douglas, they had their famous debate. There were a couple of people from newspapers transcribing the debates, writing down shorthand and then a couple of days later, they would print it in newspapers. That way, people who did not attend could read about what happened. For most people, the story stopped there. This is breaking news. Lets move on. Lincoln, after he lost the senate race, he worked hard to gather those newspaper transcript. He worked hard. There are at least nine surviving letters of him gathering these newspaper transcripts. He cut them out and pasted them in a scrapbook. You can still see it today at the library of congress. He is making these tiny little edits in pencil. If one paragraph is not accurate, he is cutting it out and putting a different parag
Craig fehrman, the author of the new book author in chief. Who was oran follett . Why did he make the claim that he made Abraham Lincoln president . He was a publisher in ohio. He had is no Printing Firm in ohio. They published lots of different local books. He had the distinct privilege to publish Abraham Lincolns bestselling book. We should probably back up, because a lot of people do not know that he wrote one. When lincoln ran for the senate and lost to Stephen Douglas, they had their famous debate. During the debates there were a , couple of people from newspapers transcribing the debates, writing down shorthand and then a couple of days later, they would print it in papers so people who didnt attend could read it in the newspapers. Lost theafter he ate race, for most people, the story stopped there. This is breaking news. Lets move on. Lincoln, after he lost the senate race, he worked hard to gather those newspaper transcript. He worked hard. There are at least nine surviving let