while it should have gone to the deputy attorney general. it should not have been the fbi director. what did james comey do? he decided he was going to take it upon himself on whether there should be litigation or not. you know what the problem is? i would have filed a motion for it to be dismissed. the attorney general of united states, you make that decision. not the fbi director. before director comey made that decision, while the rest investigation, and those who are handling that investigation were irate. angry. they can talk about this openly because they were bound by the investigation and the classified nature of the investigation. it eventually came out. so much so that mccabe had to admit it in his testimony. he made that decision, the
late night drop by the washington post. no sources. anonymous sources reporting special counsel was investigating president trump for obstruction of justice. let s explain point by point. no one else in the media will. washington post is nothing more than a liberal smear machine with an awful, god-awfut track record. rod rosenstein threatened to quit because of james comey s firing. actually said in an interview the exact opposite. he said it on camera and they never apologized. the post also was flat out wrong about james comey. just before he got fired, he was asking for more resources. well, then, it was debunked by the fbi director andrew mccabe who testified under oath. sorry, that never happened. the washington post is not the only member of the destroy trump media that has gotten these things wrong.
rod rosenstein can and should. the moment he fires him, he shod himself recuse from the case because apparently now, he is a key witness in the firing of james comey. do we really expect bob mueller to judge the credibility of his close friend and protege, james comey versus the man who fired comey? theater of the absurd. sean: more with gregg, greg, and sara. prior to tonight s congressional game, i spoke with republican lawmakers. many of them eyewitnesses to what happened during yesterday s assassination attempt. we will play some of those interviews, straight ahead own fighting robots. destroy.
of loretta lynch? and even further, sean. the bureaucrats. these leaks are coming from people that are supposed to be impartial and doing an investigation. but they have an agenda and that should concern everyone. sean: gregg, you wrote a great column today about robert mueller. he needs to recuse himself. all the president s tweets, he s never tweeted that robert mueller is hopelessly conflicted should resign and the president should demand that he resigns. the american people demand that he resigns. he is violating the special counsel law which says you can t serve if you have a close relationship with a central witness. which is james comey. we all know about their long-standing close personal relationship. the president can t fire him but
apply to the president because there s no evidence but if you apply it to loretta lynch, there s a good case that she not only engaged in obstruction of justice because there was a lie attached to what she was insisting comey say publicly but there s also misconduct of office. using federal agency for political purpose. that should be investigated. sean: let me go to jay. she bleached it. she destroyed she signed off on 20% of uranium going to putin. and the fbi didn t do anything about it.o they cleared her. sean: statue of limitations, my friend. james comey became judge and jury in that case.li he thought the attorney general is not capable.