Be transferring that to the general fund. One, it skips the oversight of the committee, Advisory Committee of those funds and we understand that at times of dire needs that we shift these funds. I think we should now look at perhaps the way we use this money addressed in the formula, but i feel its maybe time to give some of that money back to school sites in the formula. We have asked school sites to be very patient during this time. There are schools that start school every year without paper and no budget. I think this should be a plan perhaps to wean us from this as we receive more revenues from the state and we can then use these funds to give direct relief to our school sites. Any comments from staff or commissioners . Yes . Emily . I just wanted to reiterate my strong support of the piece kak recommendation. As part of that i want to be on record as saying i would like to see dedicated funding stream for our world language program. Any other comments or responses . Yes, commissi
To read these names . I will read them. Thank you very much. If you can give the names and when the term will expire. Okay, so seat no. 1 has been assigned to commissioner months of moffits. That is held by guerrero, that term expires june 2014. Seat no. 2 has been assigned to commissioner haney. Its currently filled by franco, the term expires june 2015. Seat no. 3, has been assigned to dr. Murase. It is currently filled by jim fong and the term ends june 2014. Seat no. 4 is assigned to president fewer, it is currently filled by jenny lam. The term ends june 2014. Seat no. 5, is assigned to commissioner norton. Its filled by Michelle Parker and the term ends june 2014. Seat no. 6, is assigned to commissioner wynns, its filled by Jamal Watkins and expires june 2017. The seat is assigned to commissioner mcdonalds and that will go through june 2017 once its appointed. Can you just clarify both of those two, they would have to be reappointed. Their term expires june 2015. If reappointed t
Thats exciting. Okay. Thats exciting. Any other comments from commissioners or superintendant . Seeing none, roll call vote please. [roll call vote taken] six ayes. I think mr. Davis will go through lottery procedure, right . Are you doing the lottery right now . Yes. I think you need to be present to win. We are going to have a hat with 7 pieces of paper. Each piece of paper will have one number, one through seven and we also have a schedule to pass out to you so that once you pull your number, you will know which seat you have chosen. Okay. This is more exciting than i thought. I should have read my horoscope today. While we are doing this could i make a comment . Yes. I just wanted to say for the public and we talked about this before, but the issue is when these seats come up for reappointment and how they overlap each other. So it isnt so much an issue of who fits in them since all of these people have been approved by us anyway, but rather how we will make this process more worka
Biden Administration Pushes forward, were learning this news. That dr. Anthony fauci will meet virtually with the Biden Transition Team for the first time today. Lets begin with Adrienne Broaddus in chicago with the latest on the pandemic. Walk us through this, i know folks they might get a little tired of hearing these headlines, but the data points in a very disturbing direction. Reporter jim, it does. And if they dont want to hear the headlines, maybe this will reach people who are nonbelievers. Yesterday was the worst day ever since the pandemic started. More families are grieving. Yesterday, more americans died of coronavirus than ever before. John Hopkins University is reporting at least 2,800 deaths. Thats the highest number of reported deaths from covid since the start of the pandemic. And the u. S. Broke another record. 200,000 cases, on average, at least for the last 30 days the u. S. Has seen about 100,000 cases every day. And right now, across the country, hospitals are fil
Months. For the listening and watching public, lets name the people who are on this list and when that term would expire. Mr. Davis, would you please read out. Im sorry, could we get some clarification, no. 1 and no. 3. No. 1 is commissioner moffits and no. 3 is myself. Mr. Davis would you like me to read these names . I will read them. Thank you very much. If you can give the names and when the term will expire. Okay, so seat no. 1 has been assigned to commissioner months of moffits. That is held by guerrero, that term expires june 2014. Seat no. 2 has been assigned to commissioner haney. Its currently filled by franco, the term expires june 2015. Seat no. 3, has been assigned to dr. Murase. It is currently filled by jim fong and the term ends june 2014. Seat no. 4 is assigned to president fewer, it is currently filled by jenny lam. The term ends june 2014. Seat no. 5, is assigned to commissioner norton. Its filled by Michelle Parker and the term ends june 2014. Seat no. 6, is assigne